Leftwing Blogs: Against Jews and Movies

Apparently the nutroots have found something to obsess over other than eating one of their own as shown by the number of front page posts on DailyKos about the upcoming ABC miniseries The Path to 9/11. Now, instead of spending countless energy trying to swap one liberal Democrat for another, they’re spending all their time trying to stop a movie from airing that they think might defame the even less liberal Bill Clinton who was last running for something in 1996.
I dunno when the nutroots is going to focus on defeating Republicans running now, but I hope it’s soon since we could really use the boost.
Anyway, The Path to 9/11 is a docudrama based entirely on documents found in Sandy Berger’s pants. The most controversial scene is where Clinton’s ninjas have surrounded Osama bin Laden and our waiting for the go-ahead smoke signal from Sandy Berger, but Berger won’t give it since Clinton is afraid about how the conflict will affect his chances with chubby women. Apparently, many people are disputing the factual accuracy of this scene, but, you have to admit, it sounds true.
Still, it seems suspicious that hard-core moderates like Rush Limbaugh have gotten a preview of the movie while the same courtesy has not been afforded to those it depicts, such as Berger and Clinton, but this can be explained by the worry that Berger would shove the film down his pants while Clinton would do the same with any chubby women at the screening.
Man, those Clinton years were fun.


  1. yeah…they don’t really want to make a big deal out of the fact that had Clinton used his nuts for something other than Monica, he might have stopped Osama and his thugs long before 9/11. instead he sold our secrets to the Chinese and deserted our soldiers in Mogadishu and overlooked the atrocities in Ruwanda. i guess he didn’t have time for handling those issues because he was too busy having sex with interns and playing his sax or flute or whatever it was. Bastard.

  2. I thought Movies and TV for that matter didn’t influence viewers’ behavior and opinions. Isn’t that what they always say when somebody imitates what they’ve seen and somebody gets hurt or killed?
    Did they movies start influencing people sometime recently and nobody told me?

  3. How much 9/11 stuff do they think we can watch? They must think we all have twenty spare hours to devote to 9/11 docudramas and specials with all the stuff they are putting on the air. Limbaugh probably got a big check to endorse it. He loves 9/11 movies and Katie Couric.

  4. I find it interesting that a Docudrama depicting President Bush being assasinated is accepted by the mainstream media. Tons of kook theories are being pushed by Democrats about how the Bush Administration was involved in 9/11. But don’t you dare point a finger at the Democrats (or David Gregory for that matter). Because they will get upset. I might be more mad at Republicans for not reacting like this whenever a kook makes a crazy accusation. Honestly, what hypocrites.

  5. “I thought Movies and TV for that matter didn’t influence viewers’ behavior and opinions.”
    And I thought we were supposed to be for free speech and personal responsibility around here 😛
    It just completely astounds me that people could say that inanimate objects (like guns!) are responsible for people’s behavior. I’m already not voting for Santorum because of him backing up Godzillary and Lieberman on crap like this
    Don’t make me stop reading IMAO too :-/

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