Links of the Day

Michelle at You Can’t Make it Up has the most awesome thing… you’re gonna need a tissue… no, really, you are… you kids under 30 will probably experience this for the first time, but for me Michelle brought back a bright, shiny memory. Ok. Feed the Kitty. (h/t Sheila)
_Jon has something many of us can relate to… Should’ve used duct tape.
I actually would like one of these, sans face hood, because recently I went to the emergency room for an allergic reaction to who knows what, and I stumbled around drunk on Benadryl looking for a bathroom. Lemme tell you, it’s a little demeaning walking around half naked, showing off your tushy to the hyperventilating drunk teenager who suh-wears to the sheriff’s deputy that she only had half a beer and that girl she was fighting with started the whole thing.
I think I can hear the angels clearing their throats and practicing their scales. The first felony spammer has lost his first appeal and is getting closer to prison. (via Glenn Beck’s page 2)
And oh. Don’t you just love it when someone tries to beat someone up… and that backfires… and so they try to get the guy arrested instead… and that backfires too… Some morons just never learn. Bwah! (also Beck)


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