Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (sadly) live at the UN

Iran’s Madman-In-Chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be speaking at the United Nations shortly.
The United Nations streams the annual “debates” at in RealPlayer format.
The text of his speech along with a video clip of his speech will probably be posted at sometime afterwards.


  1. All that reference to the ‘perfect human being’ is really creaping me out. Era of justice, and all that. Sounds like somebody wants to take an active role in shaping the future for all of us.

  2. D.J. Wolfie here with a golden oldie (21 years old) that goes out to the guest speaker at the U.N.
    Fk the Middle East
    There’s too many problems
    They just get in the way
    We can sure live without them
    They hijack our planes
    They raise our oil prices
    Let’s kill them all; we’ll have a ball
    and end their f***ing crisis!
    won’t exist when we’re done!
    we’ll flush those bastards down the can!
    we’ll crush their faces with our might!
    So Isreal and Egypt
    can live in peace without those d
    -“F**k The Middle East” by Stormtroopers Of Death (SOD)
    from “Speak English or Die” (1985)

  3. //And we care what this little piss-ant has to say because…?
    Posted by Son of Bob at September 19, 2006 09:22 PM//
    Because he is of a Hitler-esque personality, and his support & sympathy base grows each day, even in America.
    I didn’t watch his speech during the 61st assembly of complacency, but I watched some excerpts of the Brian Williams interview. He does the same old bulls**t holocost denial routine, yet refers to it as a factual source of contention for all the non-Jewish people who were murdered, and then used the same “hoax” to support the Palestinian cause.
    As though the deliberate killing of Jewish children was acceptable in the camps, and homocide bombing Israeli schools & markets- without warning & on purpose- is just fine. But Israelis eliminating known terrorist Palestinians who hide among children & families is reprehensible. In his mind, 6 million people didn’t perish under Nazi brutality, as Jews aren’t people- to the fundamentalist Muslim mindset.
    Is he a pissant? Yeah, it’s true.
    Should we ignore him? I don’t think so. He thinks that Hitler had the right idea.

  4. President “I’m Mad as a Hatter” wants a dialogue with the U.S. Sure. We simply require he stop uranium enrichment, create a separation of church and state in Iran, and turn over to the former hostages all of their captors, guards and their offspring to be dropped into the Marriannas Trench for exploration purposes, first. As a sign of goodwill of course.

  5. How can you infidels doubt that Ahmadinejad was sincere in his quest for a dialogue with Satan’s minion, Bush? If you let Iran develop nuclear weapons, continue to support terror throughout the world and become the Middle East’s dominant military and economic power, things will be fine. Okay? Okay. Sall right? Sall Right. Close de box.

  6. Simply calling Achmeamotherfer “crazy” is wrong. It is very important to make the distinction between plain ol’ crazy and evil, and he fits in the latter category. Scared of him? No. Wary? Yes. I mean, WhoTF thought much of Hitler in the early days? Europe ignored, then tried to appease him and we had to pay the price of WWII and the Holocaust. One of the great mistakes repeated by the powerful throughout history has been ignoring and trivializing those they considered small and insignificant. One of the greatest mistakes we can make now is ignoring the forces of evil before they grow in power.

  7. AlanABQ,
    My point is: Why is so much media attention being paid to a piss-ant little jackass from a backwards pathetic little country? If he’s a problem, we have a military that can take care of that…and him.
    There’s no chance he’ll ever rule over America or any other country for that matter, so what do we care what he has to say? He’s not an important world leader, he’s a joke, as is Hugo Chavez. However, the media reports what garbage comes out of his mouth as if he was heading up the Soviet Union, instead of an embarrassing, crappy little third world country. Let him yap about taking over the world…if he tries it, we’ll own him within a month.

  8. Ahm-mad-as-a-Hatter is worse than Hitler in some ways. He has the ambitions of Napoleon and is dedicated to a religios vision where everyone must bow and scrape to Moslems. He welcomes the idea of Armageddon since that is supposed to help bring his vision to pass. This means he cannot be reasoned with since he wants the destruction to happen.

  9. Ahm-mad-as-a-Hatter is worse than Hitler in some ways. He has the ambitions of Napoleon and is dedicated to a religios vision where everyone must bow and scrape to Moslems. He welcomes the idea of Armageddon since that is supposed to help bring his vision to pass. This means he cannot be reasoned with since he wants the destruction to happen.

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