Man Without a Party

Being a member of Pajamas Media, I should mention that they now have an exclusive video interview with Senator Joe Lieberman. A quote from it has already gotten PJM a Drudge Report link; now go see the whole thing.


  1. Lieberman points out a disturbing trend in voting: the anti-vote. Some people go to the polls for one reason only, to vote against a certain candidate. Although I understand why they would feel this way, it is important to remember to find our what the other candidate is for.
    Since I’m a conservative Republican it’s hard to vote for a candidate that’s openly for say, gay marriage or abortion. Lately at least in our local elections the line between Conservatives and Liberals has become blurred, as both never stand up for anything. Depending on the group they’re talking to they shift their stand on the issue to fit the audience.
    Both parties do this at their peril. The time of “voting a straight ticket is waning.”

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