Marine and Lt. Smash Versus Hippies

Hippies scared.


  1. The post is awesome but the audio is outstanding. The saddest thing is that you can’t talk to these people. They are too educated, too peace-loving, too empathetic to listen to someone who actually KNOWS what they are talking about.
    He missed one name in his description of the Code Pinko protesters and that is traitors. They give aid and comfort to the enemy and they should be deported to Iran, where they can experience first hand the bliss that is Sharia law.
    Listen up Moonbats. One of the first things to go when the Islamo fascists take over is YOUR freedom of speech. You “feminists” will be imprisoned behind the veil and you will be murdered if you object. You think I’m a reactionary. I’m a realist. I assume people mean what they say when they say it. Words mean something. When a protester holds a sign that says,
    “Death to America” and “Death to Freedom”
    I assume that means they want to destroy the United States and everyone in it who doesn’t believe as they do. It is not a far stretch to imagine they would kill even American Muslims because, of course, they have been infected with the germ of democracy and that is totally opposite from Islamic law and canon.
    So journalist and Hollyweird, why are you against the war again? You’d better get that protesting in now while you still have a chance. Once you help your brothers in Iran defeat the west, you’ll be too busy, serving you Muslim masters to protest.

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