Might As Well Milk This Dr. Bob Thing…

I was curious who was it that lost to Dr. Bob Bowman for the Democratic nomination to run for Congress in Florida district 15 (my district) in the 2006 election. He’s another 71-year-old retired Air Force veteran who seem to be only normal Democrat crazy according to his site (the Orlando Sentinel endorsed him over Dr. Bob pretty much just because Dr. Bob is too crazy) and whose strongest aspect is that his name is John Kennedy. I guess normal crazy just isn’t enough to win a Democratic primary these days; the base wants super crazy!
Oh, and to give you an idea of Wikipedians priorities, look at the size of the entry for Dr. Bob (which does need updating since, last I checked, it only refer to him collect signatures for this election) compared to that of his opponent, six-term Republican Dave Weldon (Weldon has made national news on a number of other things than Schiavo).
Incidentally, having lived in Florida since 2001, I’ve voted for Weldon twice now. Whether he’ll get a third vote from me will be decided as this campaign unfolds. I know Dr. Bob’s stance on keeping violent videogames from brainwashing our troops, but what’s Weldon’s. He is my Congressman, so maybe I should start asking questions.

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  1. All I can say is that both must be stopped. The Marines have Murtha and I sure don’t want either of these guys trying to besmirch the AF. And violent video games are good so long as they are learning tools. At a young age, DOOM taught me to use a shotgun up close, a machine gun to clear rooms, and that a rocket launcher is always nice so long as the target(s)/explosion are far enough away from me.

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