Moments in time

If you subscribe to Yahoo News or any other Breaking News message alert system, you’re probably getting a series of messages marking the moments of silence for the planes hitting the Towers and the Pentagon, the crack of flight 93, and the collapse of each tower.
I’m sure that some sick and deranged Daily Kos or IndyMedia or Al-Jazeerah types are sending out parallel messages marking when the Jews got their text pages warning them not to go into work, when the Bush Administration secretly planted the charges in each of the towers, when the Air Force jets shot down the flights, Michael Moore going to Dennys for three Grand Slam meats, Cheney returning to his docking station for a recharge, and when Bush was finished reading “My Pet Goat” to the kids in the classroom.
What sticks out in my memory? The Palestinians danced on 9/11, passing out candy with joy and delight while Arafat lay in a couch filling up a sack with his AIDS-infected blood, wishing it wasn’t just a symbolic gesture so he could spread his decay on to the dust-covered walking wounded of Manhattan.
Flash to today, and the old bastard is just so much filler in a parking lot. Yet “Unity” government or not, terror is terror, so bomb them all and let Satan sort the dancing, candy-passing bastards out.


  1. Frank, Spacemonkey or anyone else with the Admin privledges to IMAO.
    Please allow me to humbly suggest for today and today only, y’all just delete the trolls. I know there are @#$%^&* who think that way, but today, I just don’t want to see their idiotcy.

    • Cheney returning to his docking station for a recharge –
      OK, fun is fun… Now who’s gonna clean all of this coffee off my monitor? Laurence? It isn’t going to clean itself up!
      Spacemarmot – Two words: …well, one letter and one word: …OK, one hyphenated word: T-shirt! I want a “You’d be angry too if the country you love had been attacked instead of just the one you live in” T-shirt. …and a bumper-sticker. …and mug! …8′ x 12′ flag.
  2. That’s just typical lib-speak, Jay. Can’t make a point without dropping the ol’ f-bomb, right. You’re a college graduate right, so it’s real cool to talk like a thirteen year old (no offense to thirteen year olds). Dimwit!
    You’re banned because you don’t have the sense, taste and good manners to understand what is appropriate and inappropriate. Get a clue. You are offensive. I thought that the Dem party was the party of “can’t everybody just get along” and “no hate speech” and “political correct speech”. There are just somethings and times when it’s real good to SHUT UP.
    And again Frank J you are my hero.

  3. Jay:
    Censorship? hah! another example of the simple minded liberals trying to redefine everything. By very definition censorship is not possible on a private blog. But I’ll bet you and the ACLU Lawyer guy (you know . . . your “Partner”) will probably try to argue that it is censorship. Go away!

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