Most Elected Democrats Would Probably Be Banned from DU and Troll-Rated at DailyKos for Their Views

I saw Sen. Chuck Schumer on FOX & Friends this morning really rip into Hugo Chavez. I wish I had the transcript, but he basically said that Chavez is a demagogue whose made his country poor and most likely simply isn’t smart enough to last much longer. It seems most Republicans are just not dignifying Chavez with a response, but it’s still cool to see the thug called what he is by our politicians.
Far as I see it, even the worst Democrat politician out there still has plenty of standing to look down on that moron Hugo.
I know some people think some of the Democrats speaking out about Chavez are just posturing (and some probably are), but what I liked about Schumer’s remarks were it was exactly what I thought about Chavez (I don’t think a Republican could have made the point more forcefully) and he didn’t temper the remark by adding some criticism of President Bush. If he was just acting angry about Chavez, it was really good acting.


  1. I side with Rush, Hannity and others in that the few demorats that do voice their “outrage”, they do so because they realize they and their liberal ilk can justifiabbly be accused of “setting the table” for these ass clowns due to their past rips of the president. Do you really see any difference between Dean and these two Axis of Idiocy? Do you? I thought not. (Does using the term ass clown to identify these heads of state make me a bad person?)

  2. After hearing Rangel, Pelosi, Schumer, et al, I hearby take back 20% of all the bad things I’ve ever said about them.
    It would be more except I don’t think they really mean it.(Except for Rangel…someone on another board said they thought it might just be the part of him that’s a vet putting in an appearance…)

  3. i just think the dems want to appear to be on the side of most of the people. i did appreciate ol’ charlie and ol’ nancy squeaking out, but i feel like it’s just posturing.
    “i’m an american, see?”

  4. I really don’t know the man personally, but word from people who do know him socially is that Rangel’s speech is in line with how he comes across when not on the podium. He may be generally odious politically, but I am and have long been inclined to like the man.

  5. “Far as I see it, even the worst Democrat politician out there still has plenty of standing to look down on that moron Hugo.”
    This sort of implies Schumer is one of the worst. yes? The Iowa Idiot, Tom Harkin, has him beat hands down at least on this one.

  6. Listening to Rush yesterday put it in great persepective. His montage with Rangel’s speech from 2003 (?) where Chuckie said that being black and poor is this country is a death sentence (tell that to the countless scores of strong men and women who raised great kids out of the ghetto against pretty overwhelming odds) completely destroyed any credibility he may have used to criticize Chavez. Of course, no one outside the camp recognizes this, but I’m not too worried about it…

  7. Look there is a lot of republicans that I have a problem with. Most of them far right people like Rush, Pat Robertson, Fallwell, and others.
    However I would never compare any of those people or equate them with hitler, (ok may be rush) still no matter how bad they are in my view they are still far and beyond any other foreign leader.

  8. Personally, I think Chavez is like an evil-genius.
    Seriously, he’s running his country into the ground (you know, like more than it was before) but he’s sittin’ pretty, enjoying the finer things of life. How’s he going to stay in power and keep the people from resenting him? Oh I know, find a scapegoat. But, what’s even better? Making yourself look like a fearless champion of the people by standing up to the evil-emperialist-capitalist-Goliath! (knowing, as he surely does, that we’re not evil, and he can talk all the shit he wants and not see any consequences because, of all the countries on the international stage, we’re the ones who feel like we have to f***in play nice).

  9. Where do the RATS think a prick like this little commie got the balls to come to NY and say the things he said? From all the things the left has been saying for the past 6 years. A couple of positive comments now doesn’t wipe that away in my mind! RATS would make excellent UN Translators, however!

  10. Damn, I’m so conflicted. Schumer is my most-hated politician, but kudos to him on this one (and Pelosi, and a bit less so to Rangel).
    kinda funny though, esp. in regards to Rangel, who says only WE can criticize Bush, not you for’ners. Now who’s the arrogant American?

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