Newsflash: Cat Stevens says Pope is fallible…

Former singer Cat Stevens today issued a statement saying that the recent scandal with the Pope indicates that he is not by any means infallible.
Said Cat, whose nickname is Wolfy, “This goes to show you that Mr. Pope can indeed make a mistake. Islam by no means was spread by the sword. Sure, we can get violent at times, but that’s only when we’re defending ourselves from deadly invaders such as the US Marines or waitresses at the World Trade Center.”
Cat recently performed at the Kill Them All demonstration where thousands protested the drawing of Mohammed cartoons, the statements by the Pope, and the existence of Israel.
Now known as Yusuf Islam, Cat Stevens performed his hit song Copacabana.


  1. Cat Stevens was an embarrassment back when he was singing “Peace Train” – thank God he left. He is to America what Avril Lavigne is to Canada…except, of course, for the fact that Avril never actually joined a religion that wants us all dead.

  2. I’m tired of people insulting Catholicism by thinking the Pope is always infallible. He’s not. Rarely, the Pope speaks infallibly only on certain matters of doctrine, like Jesus is the son of God, and Mary was a virgin. The Pope is not infallible when he bets on the Saints every week. I’m so angry at Cat Islam, I could just strike his neck til his head falls off!!

  3. “I’m tired of people insulting Catholicism by thinking the Pope is always infallible. He’s not. Rarely, the Pope speaks infallibly only on certain matters of doctrine, like Jesus is the son of God, and Mary was a virgin. The Pope is not infallible when he bets on the Saints every week. I’m so angry at Cat Islam, I could just strike his neck til his head falls off!!”
    Yes, in the last 2,000 years, the Pope has only made TWO statements that he declared infallible. He cannot make up theology as he goes along, unlike certain prophets we all know. Here’s a nice Islamic-style version of a favorite hymn frequently profaned by Cat Stevens in the past.
    “Morning has broken, on Cat Stevens’ body.
    Blackbird has spoken, and pecked his eyes out.
    Praises we’re singing for this dead traitor.
    His corpse is swinging from an oak tree.”

  4. I have wondered through the years, “What was it like to go from the top of the world to the very bottom?”
    The Cat Stevens story seems to have it all.
    Cat, we miss you, but it’s unlikely that we’ll ever take you back now.
    What exactly happened to you?
    What is the full Cat Stevens story?

  5. Tommy the Towelhead –
    Actually, “Morning Has Broken” is a Protestant hymn approximately one hundred years old. Cat Stevens didn’t even change the words (he probably has now).
    On the subject of the Pope’s infallibility, I bring you the papal infallibility quiz from the wonderful book More Growing Up Catholic:
    True or False:
    The Pope is infallible when he says:
    1. The Blessed Virgin is the Mother of God.
    2. Christ died on the cross and rose again three days later.
    3. The New York Giants will win next year’s Super Bowl.
    4. Priests must not marry.
    5. Sean Penn and Madonna must not marry.
    6. There are three distinct beings in one in the Holy Trinity.
    7. The Olympics should be held every five years instead of every four (well, the copyright on the book is 1986).
    8. Mary is the only person to have been blessed by a Virgin Birth.
    9. Dustin Hoffman should be made an honorary Catholic for his role in Tootsie.
    10. God always was and always will be.

  6. Wait a minute, you mean Cat Stevens is a real person and is really alive. I thought he was either a figment of someone’s over active imagination or a one hit wonder who died alone and unloved in the gutters of New York.
    So just how is he an expert on the infalliabiliy of the Pope, who is the leader of a church that this Cat person isn’t even a member of. And why do we care what this Cat person says anyway. Maybe he isn’t the real Cat Stevens, and how would we know if he isn’t. Maybe he’s a plant or a fruit or an alien from another galaxy. Whatever he is it’s time for prayers, so Adul or Hussan or whatever your name is, find yourself a mosque and do your hatemongering there.
    Thank you.

  7. Morning Has Broken, sung to the lovely Irish hymn tune “Bunessan,” is indeed a Protestant hymn that is very popular in Catholic churches as well. It was written by Eleanor Farjeon. I remember as a child that our local television station would sign on 6 AM Saturday morning with the national anthem, followed by Cat Stevens’ whining rendition of this song.
    The Pope speaks infallibly on matters of fait and morals, so 1,2,6,8, and 10 are true. 4 is a matter of discipline and holds for the Latin (Roman) Rite, as most Eastern Rites allow married priests, as long as they were married before ordination.

  8. I don’t wish to insult either Catholics or Muslims right now, but it’s like two dogs fighting over the same scrap.
    Is the pope fallible? Yes; he wasn’t appointed by God, but by men. That’s merely opinion.
    Does Cat Stevens/Yusef Islam have a point? Yeah, but only for a little while, kinda like his songs before cowardice overtook his sense of reality.
    I would take his word for it if he wasn’t a follower of Moe-ham-ed. But Mo tried to convince that he wasn’t writing about himself… No, his excuse was that the angel Gabriel was his source of info: in other words, Mohammed told everyone around him that Gabriel told Mohammed what Mohammed was going to write about Mohammed. Not as though that’s self-serving or anything.
    That doesn’t seem like fallacy to anyone? It does to me.
    As for what the Pope said- whatever. He has the right to speak his mind & not be a dhimmist. I’ll listen to what Benedict has to say, and feel free to disagree accordingly without feeling like I ought to behead him, because we are both CIVILIZED HUMANS.
    Islam hasn’t a clue as to what that means. Or, at least, I don’t see the Catholic church killing scores of people just because they don’t submit, but I do see that in Islam everyday.
    So really, who’s the facists here?

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