No More Foreign Leaders!

Seeing Hugo Chavez and Ama-dibba-dobble-dooble on TV all the time has made me realize one truth: Foreign leaders are a nuisance that must end.
Foreign leaders smell, talk in funny languages, and get in America’s way. They contribute nothing and should be done away with. We should all sign a petition urging our government to end the practice of there being foreign leaders.
Or, alternatively, it could be required that the guy who translates thuggish foreign leaders speeches live for TV be a flaming homosexual, because that would be funny.
“Iran is super! Thanks for asking! And I’d just like to add, I think suicide bombers are fab-u-lous!”
Just throwing some ideas out there.
BTW, do you think the whole “it smells of sulfur here” comment from Chavez was to try and cover the fact he let out a huge fart? Does he do that back in his country?
“Do you smell that? I guess Satan was sitting here earlier.”
Really, if you’re going to spend all your time saying Bush is the devil and reading Chomsky, then start a diary on Kos and leave running a government to more serious people.

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  1. A flaming homosexual translator isn’t enough, because people who understand whatever crazy made-up language they’re speaking won’t need them.
    Therefore, as part of our UN reform effort, we should force all hostile foreign leaders to make speeches from inside a little box filled with helium.

  2. Why dont we just boot the whole rotten UN out of america and that means personaly giving that jerk HUGO CHAVEZ a kick right in his backside and we can tell him what he can do with his stupid oil as well

  3. Well I am against shooting animals just for sport (eat what you kill is my rule) However we are talking about a fidel supporter (semi-commie) and a Jihadist. So in that case yes please shoot away. If could use exploting rounds that be awesome too. Oh and record it on different angles so we can make an Imax movie out of it. Post it on Utube as a warning to our enemies.
    Warning lavel: This could happen to you. If you dont SHUT THE F**K UP.

  4. “Warning lavel: This could happen to you. If you dont SHUT THE F**K UP.
    Posted by: Giovanni on September 21, 2006 02:53 PM ”
    Yup, Sounds Democratic to me.
    btw vanni, it’s a LABEL, not a lavel

  5. BTW, do you think the whole “it smells of sulfur here” comment from Chavez was to try and cover the fact he let out a huge fart? Does he do that back in his country?
    Yes, but nobody notices, because it smells like that anyway.

  6. takin.back.da.HOUSE
    So you hang out with drunken 6th graders?
    When it comes time to nuke the moon, we will set up bleachers on the surface of the moon so that foreign dignitaries can get the best view, and NASA will offer free shuttle rides to the event. Flaming homosexual interpreters get thpecial pink thpacethuits with airtight docking ports. Fidel will get a spacesuit filled with pure oxygen and a built-in cigar lighter. Hugo Chavez will have the honor of pushing the button, which is located on the side of the bomb (I guess he’d say the devil made him do it). Jacques Chirac will get to plant the white flag and say something like “That was one small step for a Frenchman, one giant leap for a gaunt, treasonous, fly-licking frog in 16% gravity.” Apparently, a frog’s ass is airtight too. Hillary Clinton will show up and lower the surface temperature of the moon so as to contain the blast. Algore will arrive without a spacesuit and nothing will happen, so long as he gets some water and fertilizer later on. Finally, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, upon discovering a brand new world without any Joooos in it, will whip out his prayer rug and remove his helmet to perform the ceremonial ablutions with premixed Tang in a bag. His lungs will then prolapse from his mouth, ejecting the remains of the porkchop he had for lunch.

  7. takin.back.DA.House!
    Shouldn’t you invest in a spell checker before criticizing your betters? Better yet, graduate High School, get out of Mommy’s basement and get a job.
    As for the Nuke the Moon, check out the history.
    P.S. You ought to quit trying to get sixth grade girls drunk, maybe you could try for tougher targets that have already reached their teens.

  8. Laming homosexuals translating? There’s an amusing idea. Personally, I think they should start up a rap beat for these idiots to speak over…it seems they have the same aditudes and sub-50 I.Q.’s of any of the current rap “artists”. That way, anybody with an ounce of sense will think they have accidentaly tuned into MTV and instantly change the channel.
    Farting? That one has already been taken by Canada’s most coherant personalities…Terrance and Phillip.
    I think the best idea is to plant demolition charges inside the U.N. building, then wait for the next assembly. Oh, wait a minuit…if we did that, the only people in the world that would notice is the New York Slimes and all their leftitst comrades. At least it would begin to make America beautiful once more.

  9. So Mr. Chavez was addressing the UN in NEW YORK city, the same one that was attacked on September 11th., right? Where Muslim extremists flew airplanes full of innocent people into buildings full of innocent people, not all of whom were “evil Americans”. Muslim extremist sent by Osama Bin Laden, financed by Saddam’s government as well as others.
    Mr. Chavez had the audacity to stand in our living room and defecate on the floor. It’s about time to get out the old rolled up newspaper and start smacking him on his canine nose. Time to open up areas for drilling so we won’t have to import his filthy oil.
    Isn’t it interesting that he was the only one who could smell sulfur? Must have been left over from his own conversation with Lucifer. If anyone is in Satans power it’s Chavez.
    By their fruit shall ye know them.

  10. Dear It should be “speaking of”, since you refer to an identifiiable item as opposed to a general statement. By the way, where did you get your MBA degree? I assume that you attended your graduate level classes at night after completing your day job of delivering newspapers and selling subscriptions to National Grit. Three cheers for your work efforts. Please, in the future refrain from starting a sentence with “And”. And you are a doo doo head! Toots and goodbye now!

  11. I have a few questions for Hugo Shov-this:
    He said Bush was the devil, but ended his speech by saying that “God was in the house” or something to that effect. Iran’s president I-foo I’m-a-total-wad or however you spell it ended his speech and commented on his previous ones to indicate he was the 12th Imam, a sort of messianic figure. Does this mean that Hugo thinks that Iran’s president is this “god” he speaks of? Either answer would get him in trouble, I suspect.
    By allying himself with Castro, who as a communist has systematically repressed Christianity in his country and tried to extend that repression to other countries in South America and Africa, does he feel that Castro is the devil as well, or does he see see repressing Christianty in the name of atheism as “God’s will” as well?
    Given Iran hid it’s nuclear program for 12 years and then claimed before the UN that it was “completely open”, is it just opposite day in these countries?
    As for Bush being the devil, I suspect Hugo can’t see himself in a mirror – I don’t think anyone in history this side of Rasputin has looked more demonic.
    As for gay translators – brilliant, but the translations I heard were pretty laughable as it was in terms of the whole support of really really stupid positions.

    1. Chavez also said the UN should be moved to his country.
      Everybody call congress quick and tell them to take him up on his offer.
    2. regarding the “tolerance” of the religion of peace: find a muslim, insult mohammed in front of him until he attacks you, then kill him.

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