Now That’s Rich

Kos refused to go on a TV show to talk about Hugo Chavez because his site is “focused on important things.”
When did that happen?
Isn’t this the same site that spent months focused on nothing but the dangers of Joe Lieberman? That spent the run up to the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks focused on nothing but Disney because of the miniseries it financed?
Anytime something big happens in foreign affairs or new news come out about terrorism, you know you can turn to DailyKos to find that completely ignored in favor of some minor polling data on a few local elections. I swear, the average teenage girl blogging about her day is focused on much more important things than Kos, and she’s not trying to funnel poo-flinging anger into an election issue.
Much like the cockroach avoids light, maybe Kos is getting wary of more media focus. He probably realizes how he comes off as little dingus to most Americans and feels much safer in his protected echo chamber. Well, I want the media to know Frank J. is ready to appear on TV at anytime to talk about anything. There’s nothing so unimportant that I would turn down publicity rather than talk about it at length.
Really, just e-mail me if you have a roundtable seat in need of filling. I also do birthday parties.


  1. Chavez’s speech didn’t play well with likely voters and this was real evident in even in Blue vote areas. KOS head could see himself getting the dixe chick treatment from the DNC if his site ended up costing them elections.

  2. I hate to say this…no, I mean, I really, really hate to say this…however, I actually find myself agreeing with Kos’ rant on this one. I’ve been trying to figure out why the most powerful nation in the world keeps giving our mainstream media stage to a couple of two-bit scumbags who run some miserable, crappy countries. Who cares what these little piss-ants think? I sure don’t. If they prove to be a problem, we could own their countries within two weeks.
    Now, having said that, I believe Kos is actually trying to stay out of the line of questioning that would make him either defend or put down the fellow-crazies who have supported Chavez’s anti-Bush rants. However, if taken at face value this one writing of his is actually spot on.

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