Now We’re Outsourcing Our Moral Outrage

You’ve probably seen this on the news already today, but, if not, make sure to see this clip from HotAir of President Bush’s press conference with President Karzai (the end of the clip with Karzai is the most powerful part). Here’s someone getting morally outraged with good reason; compare and contrast to Clinton’s red-faced, finger wagging silliness.
For more anger about a much sillier thing, hear this clip of John Gibson reacting to the outing of Chirs Wallace as a monkey.


  1. Mad props to President Karzai at the end of the video. As a commentor at Hot Air put it, he looked like somebody trying to explain to a child that fire will burn you if you play with it.
    Bush needs to go after whoever is leaking and crush him/her/them ASAP. Enough is enough. He looked quite pissed, I might add. He looked like he didn’t know what to say or how to say it without going off on a rant.

  2. And President Karzai is a ray of hope in the darkness. I pray for him.
    Maybe what you should really pray for is new leadership. The current leadership has allowed the Taliban to make a monstrous comeback in Afghanistan. This administration has also let the largest poppy harvest ever in the history of Afghanistan occur under its watch. How incredibly pathetic and awful is that? Of course maybe you love drugs PaleoMedic. If you do you should write a letter to the president and thank him for the massive upsurge in opium.
    Dear Bush,
    Thanks for the rockin poppy harvest man! Drugs rule!
    Your pal,

  3. Way to plug your website Sarcasm Man, too bad it sucks. At least by trying to troll on IMAO you might get a few more hits… no comments, but plenty of hits. Please go back to where you came from and leave us “Love Bush at any cost” types alone.

  4. Ed McMahon, “The Great One will provide the answer to the question that has not yet been posed.” “Poppy” says the Amazing Karzai. “Poppy” restates Ed McMahon. And the question is “What do Afghani rugrats call their daddies?
    Heyyyyoooooooooooooooooooo! May an iguana molt in Sargasm Man’s skivvies.

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