Osama Bin Laden Is Dead Again

I remember the first time Osama was dead. What a happy day that was.
The guy is like the reverse of Elvis; the tabloids are full of people who swear they just saw bin Laden dead at the mall. Until I see him dancing around in dead puppet theater like Uday and Qusay, I ain’t believing nothing.

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  1. OBL is dead. Personally, I think he’s been dead longer than the report indicates. Either way, it explains why we didn’t hear from our religion-of-peace spokesman on the fifth anniversary of 9/11. If his metabolic processes were still functioning, he would have had at least a non-speaking role in a pre-9/11 video. The fact that they couldn’t even Bernie Lomax him tells me he’s been feeding the sandworms for a while.

  2. Osama seems to be like Tor Johnson in Ed Wood movies…no matter how many times you kill him, he seems to rise from the grave. I’m not about to pop the cork on the bubbly just yet, but we haven’t seen his camel raping self on video or audio tapes in a while, which may be a good sign that a bunker buster might have canceled him like a stamp many moons ago.

  3. If he’s really dead, lets get the body and bring it to Ground Zero, then do a Mussolini job on it and let every New Yorker get a free whack with the weapon or bludgeon of their choice. Then we can put whatever remains in a pork-lined casket and bring it to Yucca Mountain to stew for eternity with nuclear waste. He likes caves, ya know!

  4. Here’s my basic problem with the whole Bin Laden is dead or alive question.
    Our evidence that Bin Laden is alive is taken from “voice print” analysis of Al Quada tapes released into various propaganda outlets. Supposedly, the human voice has enough distinguishing characteristics that one persons voice can be distinguished from all others.
    That may be correct. If you go out and study thousand of voices in a population and learn how to sort out the various subpopulations with particular dialects and similar vocal inflections, you can probably also discriminate between individuals within a population subgroup that have both similar voices and dialects. I find it believable that, in a well studied group, single voices can be picked out with a fair degree of certainty.
    The problem is Bin Laden speaks a dialect of Arabic particular to population of immigrants into Saudi Arabia from the Yemen – Saudi boarder region in the 1950’s and early 60’s. Bin Laden’s father immigrated at that time and started a construction company that made the whole family quite wealthy. I doubt that any comprehensive study exists for reliably “voice printing” people from the area. It’s more likely that techniques developed for American speaker were generally transposed to Arabic speakers and that few thorough studies exist for identifying regional Arabic dialects, especially obscure ones. We are guaranteed that the “voice printing” studies are picking up on individual voice characteristics not idiosyncrasies common to a particular ethnic group. I must say, I have no confidence in the CIA or FBI’s ability to absolutely confirm an individuals voice from within a population that I am sure they haven’t studied in depth.
    How good are the FBI’s voice printing techniques anyway, especially when quickly thrown into action to aid the identification of Arabic individuals. I’m not convinced. It wouldn’t be the first or last time for FBI misidentification.
    In the mean time we haven’t seen Bin Laden since his “escape” from the battle of Torra Borra. We have the promise that the man on the tapes is actually him, not some family or clan member with a similar voice.
    As for myself, I will take the FBI at it’s word that the tapes are actually Bin Laden, until shown otherwise. I’ll take those assurances with a grain of salt too though, if you don’t mind?
    Now that would be something, if Bin Laden were actually dead all this time.

  5. I must add that we have never seen a video of Bin Laden that could be definitively be identified as post Tora Bora. We have seen most of his primary surviving co-conspirators over the last few years though.
    Again, I have no evidence that Bin Laden is dead and feel obligated to take the position that he is alive. I also won’t feed the large elephant standing in the room.

  6. I’m beginning to think that there is something not quite human about Osama. There are fantasy creatures that die multiple times and yet rise again. Maybe he is a phoenix, a gout or a vampire. Whatever he is, it is inherently evil.
    Or maybe he’s just a Liberal Democrate!

  7. It is I’m not believing. If your right ass can write proper English, then you should go back to school. Also you used a double negative which cancels out the first negative, so you do believe that Bin Laden is dead. And words from the the president “I’m not too worry about Bin Laden”

  8. “It is I’m not believing. If your right ass can write proper English, then you should go back to school. Also you used a double negative which cancels out the first negative, so you do believe that Bin Laden is dead. And words from the the president “I’m not too worry about Bin Laden”
    “I’m not believing” should have quotes around it since you’re quoting someone. I think you mean “can’t” instead of “can” in your second sentence. You also forgot to put a comma after the word “also.” You began your last sentence with a conjunction, as well as not having the required comma at the end of “president” before the quote. Finally, you ended that same sentence without any punctuation whatsoever. In your trite little attempt to take a cheapshot, you simply revealed yourself to be another under-educated liberal asshat. Maybe you’ll have better luck (or use spellcheck) next time.

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