Parting shots

Just to confirm the fact that any sentiments expressed by Katie Couric at the end of each evening newscast are entirely disingenuine, she’s asking the viewing audience to come up with what will be her trademark parting phrase.
Here’s my suggestions:
“If you think that as hard, try doing that with Tri-Delt anniversary pin nipple piercings.”
“I’m Katie Couric, and I get my own bathroom. Not because I demanded it in the contract, but everyone else put it in theirs.”
“I’m done, and if my kids are watching instead of doing their homework, you’re getting the belt again.”
“CBS. See B S. Heh heh heh.”
“Thank you for 22 minutes of your undivided attention. Want a goddamned receipt?”
“From New York, with Betsy Cronkite’s blood on my hands, I’m Katie Couric.”
“Buy all the products you saw and make Aunty Katie happy, okay?”
“And now, your local news. Then, when that crap is over, CSI.”
“I still don’t make enough money to buy my soul back from Satan.”
“Pull my finger.”
“… and to all of our illegal alien viewers, you can switch back from the second audio program now.”
“It’s the Batsignal!”
“Hey, their first pick was John Madden. Deal with it.”
“From New York, making more errors and dollars per minute of work than Derek Jeter, I’m Katie Couric.”
Got better? Put ’em in the comments.

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  1. How about…
    That’s All That’s Left Of America
    Seems to fit with cBS’s continuing editorial slant! Tom Friedman as a middle east expert…what a joke! He’s been wrong about everything he’s ever written and they just keep putting him on! But then…liberals have been wrong about everything they have ever tried or wanted to try…so why am I surprised!

  2. “This is Katie Couric sayig… what? What’s that card say? …no, I’m not reading that … no I’m not reading that…
    She needs to just come out & say it: “I am not going away! Do you really want to have a busted old senior citizen to tell you what’s up, or me?”

  3. “From all of us at Al-Jaz … uh … CBS, this is Katie al-Q’urik saying Allaaaahu Akhbaaaaarrr!!!”
    This has gotta be the best one! I’m still laughin’ about it! Tommy you’ve got Frank beat this time.

  4. And that’s the way we want you to think it is. Good night, David. Good night Katie. Good night Chet. Good night Katie. Good night John Boy. Good night Katie. Good night Gramma. Courage Gramma, courage.

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