Polls Are Fun!

Another presidential straw poll… now with more questions:

Results for IMAO readers here.
Blogosphere wide results here.
If you vote for Hagel, make sure to tell me so I can hit you in the head with a hammer.
Just for the record, I’m leaning towards Mitt Romney right now… despite him being one of those craaaaazy Mormons. From what I’ve seen, he seem like a real conservative and will be tough on terrorists. I’d love to hear arguments for the other candidates, though.


  1. Rudy Giuliani did a good job during and after 9/11, and did some good things as mayor of New York, but he is not a conservative, and does not deserve the support of conservatives should he pursue the Republican nomination for President in 2008.
    Here’s a partial list of the reasons. He is:

    • Pro-Abortion, even partial birth abortion
    • Anti-Second Amendment
    • Soft on Gay Marriage
    • Pro-Illegal Immigration

    We need a conservative.

  2. I lived in Nebraska for 10 months… I think I wrote Hagel telling him how stupid he was at least once a week. His office even called once!
    I think Hagel and Ben Nelson should both switch parties and everyone would be a lot happier. (Or at least less confused)
    Are there any other states with a RINO and a DINO for senators?

  3. You people and your “real conservatives” just keep on thinking that way and by 2008 you will get Hillary as President.
    I mean I cant belive you are falling in the same trap that the socialists… I mean ultraliberals in the Democratic party fell on back in 2000 and then again in 2004. Have you learn nothing?
    The last thing this country needs is another party that tries to polarize it self out of power.
    Like it or not (at least as far as I am concerned) this country needs republicans to win (yes I am a democrat)or else we will not make the descision nescesary to win the war on terror and show our enemies that we will not fall asleep at the wheel. We (Americans) will not let the world fall in the darkness without a fight.
    I am trying to appeal to your sense or reason, for once try to do whats best for your country rather than whats best for your party.

  4. GIO,
    The Republican part definitely isn’t in the best shape right now, but the Democrats have nowhere to go but up. I’d focus more on getting them away from the extremes. What I call a “real conservative” would still be someone electable, unlike what liberals would call a “real progressive.”

  5. GIO,
    You forgot that Bush reached out to the Democrats. He had Kennedy write the “No Child Left Behind” bill, the one that Kennedy now denies. Bush tried to work with Congress, and they spit on him.

  6. The point is that us conservative types have been totally ignored by our “republican party” for the last 6 years and now they want our support or “we might lose congress”… Well, I say tough! You have acted like democrats for 6 years so what the hell is the diff? As for the presidential candidates, we will end up with another moderate or liberal republican but the party will repackage them as the next coming of Ronald Wilson Regan and everyone will buy into it…I’m not buyin’ anymore unless it’s someone like Newt!

  7. I have to agree with ussjimmycarter (which is the norm when I read comments on this blog)…..Newty is the best choice for the repub nomination, with George Allen being my second….both seem really good at pissing off the Demon-Rats.

  8. Gio –
    If Republicans nominate a “moderate,” we run a huge risk of losing to Hillary.
    The US tends toward conservative; that’s why Democrats, who win the nomination by being more liberal than the rest of the pack, campaign more towards the center in the general election.
    However, a Republican who tries to campaign as a moderate isn’t very distinguishable from a Democrat, and will always be out-Democrated by the real McCoy, who will agree with the “Republican” on most points, yet promise much more in handouts and entitlements and warm fuzzy feelings.
    Unlike Democrats, what’s best for the country is what’s best for the Republicans.

  9. I’m one of the craaazy Mormons myself, and I don’t think Romney’s got much of a shot. Religion’s against him in a big way, he’s not too well known, and he could be perceived as left-leaning on issues such as health care…
    That said, I think he’d be a good president. He’s got that air about him and commands attention. He’s the opposite of Bush when it comes to public speaking ability and really does inspire confidence. He’d be great… but I doubt he’s got a chance.

  10. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by RWR: “…we begin bombing in six minutes.”

    “Well, what if you said something like — if this happens in the United States, and we determine that it is the result of extremist, fundamentalist Muslims, you know, you could take out their holy sites,” Tancredo answered.
    “You’re talking about bombing Mecca,” Campbell said.
    “Yeah,” Tancredo responded.

    I don’t care what his policy is on ANWR (Drill it!), Second Amendment (Lock & Load!) or Immigration (DEPORT ‘EM ALL and BUILD A WALL!)…
    Well okay – so I do care, and I favor them all.
    But as long as this guy favors giving the Islam-0’Terrorists a “Nukular Nutshot” right to the ol’ Kabba, I don’t care what else he believes or does.
    I hate to say, Romney gives me the willies. I remember being in my early teens when Gary Hart was running, and every time I saw him on the TV, the hair would stand up on the back of my neck – don’t know why. Mitt Romney has the same effect on me today. Of course, it could be that I grew up “Behind the Zion Curtain” (a popular Utah reference for the Mormons’ self-proclaimed new land of Zion) and I don’t trust Mormon politicians.
    And of course I probably don’t trust Mormon politicians because they were the bane of my father’s existence for the last two decades of his life…

  11. Ignored?
    Wow from my perspective you have pretty much gotten all you wanted for the past 6 years. But I guess “the grass is always greener…”
    It seems a amazing to me that the same people that cry over how it is that the country is not united behind a war President will not support a candidate that will actualy continue the war and not capitulate to the terrorist and the nations that support them.
    I guess you can’t help your selves oh well I see the inevitable roll back of all those things you have gained for the last 6 years. In some ways that is a good thing, at least from my point of view. You will of course scream, moan and complaint about who knows what.
    I guess you finaly have something in common with THIS Democratic party, with every passing year you become more and more out of touch.
    I will give you this warning though, if one day you wake up and hear the words “President elect, Hillary Rodahm Clinton” you will have your self to blame. And NO you cant move to Canada, I hear they dont like your kind “real conservatives” over there… or anywhere else for that matter.

  12. Well GIO, we got a tax cut and massive spending increases and more millions of illegals and video of the screaming banshee, the Hilderbeast and McCain/Fiengold and any number of things. One out of many should make us how happy to support the GOP while they let our troops fight a PC war?
    A war that has to be fought, agreed,but get real,we want what most seem to be unable to admit to or fight for.It’s called freedom.

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