Practice Your New Knowledge

In the comments to this post, there is a commenter obviously suffering from BDS. Try and explain his comments keeping in mind his bushcentric view of the universe.


  1. Ryan has BDS? Had no idea. I thought he was just another fart-sniffing troll out stirring ant-hills. I was more amused at his bizarre aversion to the over-use of dashes than by his dazzlingly boring diatribe (which could have been generated easily by some kind of Bushy-McChimphitler Screed-O-Matic). He said absolutely no-thing new.

  2. So THAT’S BDS! For all these years I have read quotes from people like Ryan and just assumed they are A) Morons B) Products of our educational system or C) Idiots…but now you have clarified it for me. I’ve often wondered how one let’s a President off the hook for getting BJ’s in the Oval Office by a fat intern…BDS explains it!

  3. Frank J, you forgot to mention the incredible inferiority complex that seems to afflict people with BDS. It was almost as if he were screaming about the size of himself at the top of his lungs while we all laughed at him mercilessly.

  4. Frank, Ryan has (through his exemplary english skillz) brought a question to my mind. is Ama-dibba-dabba-dooble the correct way to spell the Iranian midget’s name? I have already made many references to that paticular “In My World” and want to be clear before referring more people.

  5. We all know that everything IS Bush’s fault…well his, Rove’s and the Jews’….
    So, with that in mind, everything he said makes sense.
    (Oops, maybe I’d better clear the apostrophe after Jews with Ryan before I post this).

  6. There is some truth to BDS, but mostly CDS. Bush and Cheney have caused lots of problems by lying to the public so they could take action – like in Iraq. Iraq has been a massive disaster and has only helped Iran by freeing the shias in s. iraq who want to practice shia law and create an Islamic state. Everyone knows Cheney is the biggest liar of the two idiot liars. It is good there are always new reports that help answer questions and prove Bush and Cheney are enormous lying loser clown peeps. It is a real shame that this clownish administration is creating tons of new terrorists with their Iraq plan. Soon all of the IMAO commentors will be punching themselves as hard as they can in their monkey faces when they realize they have been had by the ridiculous Cheney clown person. Well, not all of you will. Some of you are also fact-hating clown folk just like the Bush people. Some of you have BAS – Bush Adoration Syndrome. Like, Blogs for Bush. What a dumb blog that is.

  7. alternative theory of mine:
    BDS is actually a symptom – not a disease.
    If you’re a liberal, just a regular Democrat going about your life, it’s easier to go through a day not having to debate and defend your views. On television shows, on campus, on the news, in movies – you can go through a large portion of your life not having to see the merits of your positions really challenged.
    You’ll see depictions of liberals always winning arguments. You’ll see and be around people who take it for granted that liberal equals good and Republican equals evil – you just won’t give it a second thought.
    So – when you do see your position challenged, you don’t know how to handle it.
    You take it for granted that conservative arguments are easily swatted down, so you jump into the fray not even really expected a legitimate response. You get one.
    Now, you don’t know what to do. You don’t want to lose the argument – the other side is obviously wrong. But, now what?
    You just start citing everything you’ve seen elsewhere. You saw a talking point work in smacking down a righty on “The West Wing” – so you try that. (How can you pass up the opportunity to whack the bigots you’ve seen put in their place so many times before?)
    They still respond! With something you didn’t even see coming. Now you’re getting angry.

    Screw relevance, you’re not going to let the other side win.

    If you’re a conservative, you’re going to get challenged more in school; you’re going to see your views challenged in the media, on TV, etc.
    So, you’re going to do one of three things. You’re either going to 1.) hone your arguments, hone your positions, and be ready to debate back 2.) not follow politics that much (but still feel you’re right) and just get into the habit of shutting up to avoid a fight, or 3.) become a liberal.
    Somebody from the right is more likely to realize what they’re getting into when they see a thread like this and –if they’re willing to debate– to be prepared for it.
    BDS is a symptom of some liberals being seriously debated so little that, when they are and they try to counter them, they come off looking ridiculous. It happens in more areas than BDS, but since Bush is President right now, he’s just sucking everything else in as if he were an anthropomorphic black hole.
    There are parts of the country where this can happen to conservatives, but nationwide, because of the culture, schools, the news, etc. chances are the person who deals with this is a liberal.

  8. The first problem is that Ryan is apparently gaining his information third-hand, like most students today.
    He believes for example that Thomas Jefferson was a Liberal, and only a larger education would inform him otherwise.
    Unfortunately, Thomas Jefferson taken today would be an Agnostic Conservative. He believed in the Rights of the Individual not to be interfered with by the government. “Government governs best that governs least.” John Adams was his polar opposite politically and wanted a strong and extensive central government.
    The second part is his quoting of Democratic talking points: Like most Lefties, he ignores the fact that Bush reached out to the Democrats when he took office. They took what they could get, and then refused to either credit him for his efforts or aid him in any of his endeavors, screaming in tantrums that he was “Selected, not elected” and that they did not have to cooperate.
    If anyone researches the actual Supreme Court Decision, they will discover that the decision was not to give the election to Bush, but to stop after the third recount so that the numbers could be given to the Governor by the date required in the Florida Constitution. It was a simple and straight-forward question of State Constitutional Law. It is this basis for the Lefties Bush Derangement Syndrome. They cannot accept that he was not GIVEN the election and is the legitimate President.

  9. It seems the 2000 election is the spawning of BDS.
    I also believe as posted above BDS could be a symptom of Fanatical Liberalsim (will I get credit for this term, if no one has used it before?).
    If you want to watch a BDS sufferer explode, ask them why Gore didn’t win his homestate. Was this part of Bush’s evil ploy too?
    When your views mirror those of Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussien, Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad you may have a problem if you are an American.
    My favorite thing to do to Fanatical Liberals is to show them Michael Moore’s comments on Bill Clinton. I would say 90% throw Clinton under the bus, just to take a shot at Bush.

  10. I apologize for not following through with the assignment of this post, but trying to read ryan’s drivel kept putting me to sleep where I had horrible nightmares of hippy teachers instructing my kids to smoke pot and have “alternative” sex.
    Also I got enthralled with the amazing common sense response from Wolfman Dan. Enjoying Wolfie as always…(sigh!)
    Where does “Desperate Housewives” come off saying Republicans don’t do THAT???
    Yeah I know, that last comment had nothing to do with the post…I DON’T CARE…IT BUGS ME!!!

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