Propaganda ABC

All day long I’ve been hearing the dims say that ABC and Disney are just propagandizing for the Republicans to help them win elections.
I agree. It’s in their nature to push the Republican agenda. It’s all they’ve done for years. Every night, I come home, cook a pot roast, open my Bible to the New Testament, turn on ABC, get Jesus and my preacher grampa on a conference call, and we have a big old conservative hoedown.
In fact, ABC is currently undergoing a moniker change. Oh, they’re sticking with A-B-C, but they’re going to change what A-B-C stands for. I mean, other than good Christian fun. Names they’re considering:

All ‘Bout Christ
Anything But Communism
Anchors Better Convert
Add Bing Cherries (I’m not sure why, but I think it’s somewhere in the Bible that the apostle Paul liked those)
Advertising for Biblical Consumers
Archaeology Bears Confirmation of Christ (in which case they would have to become ABC^2)
Against Bad Clintons*
Yep, they’re all about propaganda for Bush and his Christian Coalition. That’s why the “Holiday Tree” at Epcot last “Holiday Season” said everything except Merry Christmas (scroll all the way to the bottom).
*add your own in the comments


  1. Abortion Banners’ Channel
    All Bush Channel
    Armed Baptist Congregations network
    Less than 5 hours of criticism of Democrats over the last 50 years, and they must be all of the above. Amazing. Quick, Kos and the Freshmaker should join Disney’s board to restore order!

  2. Am Biased Conservative?
    I dunno, I got nothin’. Just wanted Sarah to know I noticed that she posted this and not Frank. I won’t make that mistake again.
    Glad to see you posting more 🙂

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