Question of the Day

What should happen to leakers of classified information?
If President Bush traced a leak to someone high-ranking – like a Congressman – and had him executed for treason, I bet that would get some people’s attention. What do you think?


  1. I’m for that. At the very least he could do what Lincoln did with at least one treasonous individual–ship him to the enemy. Of course Davis didn’t want this guy either, so I think he ended up in Cananada or something.
    Another punishment is to open a few key veins and allow the traitor to leak all he wants to.

  2. Ze Fwench perspective: We should ‘ave two guillotines for traitors, oui? The standard size for haa treason á la Alger Hiss, and the small, waist-haa one for ze chronic leakers. Also good for cleepping ceegars, non, but ‘oo would want to? Vive la difference!

  3. Now, Now!
    We should not appear so blood thirsty and radical… the looney left will think us primative.
    I think a mandatory prison term of 10 years in the general population of a maximum security facility with “Bubba” and friends would do just fine.
    OK, OK… shaggydave does have a point, arterial blood IS much more festive…

  4. Go to the state that elected the douchebag and set up a big dog and pony show either at a miiitary base or for a Veteran’s Organization. Make like it’s some photo op to support the troops.
    Start off with the usual speech. Then, pull up a poster size photo of his doucheness and let everyone know what s/he did.
    The next day, have the RNC pay for billboards showing a coffin with a flag drapped over it and a head shot of the leaker with the words:
    “Spilled secrets can mean spilled blood”

  5. Kidnap him and take him to Lebanon. Dress him in clothes that have pictures of Mohamhead on them.
    Push him out the door into public with his hands tied behind his back, grab some adult beverages, kick back and watch the fun…

  6. I agree. If there is somebody that works for this administration who feels they know better than the President they should quit. However when you leak out info that way it is def “aiding and abetting.”
    Hang the traitor from the highest tree in Washington. Make it public too.

  7. Executing a member of congress for leaking is like shooting a bear for taking a dump in pope’s hat. A little behavioral modification would work loads better.
    Furthermore, I don’t think we should know what method is used. The congressman should just disappear for a week before turning up naked in the Potomac river.
    Every time thereafter that a member of the press asks them about classified information, said congressman will convulse like they’ve been dipped into hot lava and begin screaming “Can’t Leak! The Clowns will eat me!”

  8. You know, I’ve always wondered what it would look like to see someone straped into a catapult, and then launched at high speed directly into a brick wall. Or we could put them into a high speed centrifuge and then just walk away. I’m sure they would eventually “leak” out.

  9. It is unfathomable that anyone in the CIA would do anything to intefere with or damage our president’s efforts in the war against terror. I suggest we put together a blue ribbon panel to investigate the leaks, y’know, just like the 911 Commission. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

  10. The medieval version of Public Hanging, both for leakers and publishers. They are hung with a sign explaining their crime around their neck and not allowed to be buried until thirty days have passed.

  11. Bah! The old ways are best. Tar & Feathers.
    But add one thing – an ignition source for the tar and feathers.
    Our regime recommends doing this inside the Capitol building during a full session of Congress. Simply block all exits, punch a hole in the Capitol dome and then dump your tar and feathers in from an Aircrane Helitanker. (Make it a HBO Pay-Per-View… the revenue stream would make your laughable Social Security immediately solvent and also fund Medicaid until 3502AD.)
    Lotto tickets can then be sold for the honor of throwing in “the match of freedom” with all proceeds going to pay off the national debt. (The fights to buy those lotto tickets could be filmed for an “Ultimate Fighting Cage Match” and would also serve as a form of nation-wide training for your military as only the toughest, meanest person in America would survive to light that match…. and he’d deserve it!)

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