Quote of the day!!!!!

President Nutjob from Iran:
“If the nuclear bomb could have saved anyone, it would have prevented the collapse of the Soviet Union.”
Oh my goodness, I am howling with laughter at that one. (Sorry, I’m catching up, I had to pause the TV for a call from my mother who was profiling Arab-looking kids at the airport. They turned out to be in the Army, but you can never be too careful.)


  1. To Robert: Wait that was not obvious enough when he denied the holocaust.
    Of course he does not know history if he did he would know that sooner or later we are going to kick his ass.
    Next stop on the American Freedom Tour (I have the shirt) Iran.

  2. Maybe someone should invite Mr. Crazy to tour the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima to see the scars of the bombs still there after over 50 years. I know the bombs were different but if there are still scars from those bombs which are not near as powerful, maybe he would understand what kind of damage could be done to the “cradle of civilization”.
    This I know, is way to rational for a man who make up his own reality as he goes along. He is one of those leaders who make wish the Lord would use lightening bolts. He doesn’t work that way unfortunately, or fortunately for us.

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