Remember to Annoy You Coworkers

Reminder: Today is International Talk Like a Pirate.
Since it’s international, I wonder if they’ll observe it at the U.N. It would be pretty cool if Mahmoud Ahmadinejad got up to speak and said, “Arrr! Those jooos in Israel are after me doubloons!”
And then someone shoots him with a musket.
I forgot Bush’s speech at the U.N. is today. Maybe he’ll threaten some dictators with keelhauling.


  1. Aye! Today be a special day fer all Bucanneers and buccanneers at heart! Be sure to only imbibe on yer grogs and ales lightly, or ye be sendin yer lunch on a one-way voyage to Davy Jones’ fo’c’sle

  2. Arrgh! Ye jus’ be akin’ fer th’ return ‘o Cap’n Wolfie, eh, maties? A darn good ider ye had there, sister Shimauma, ’bout makin’ them U.N. dogs dance th’ hempen jig, though I be sayin’ that be too good for th’ lot ‘o ’em! I say we tie ’em all to th’ barrels ‘o cannon an’ make crab bait ‘o the lot ‘o them! Stirke an’ burn th’ U.N. flag an’ raise th’ Jolly Roger! We be comendeerin’ this ship an’ settin’ sail fer th’ Middle East! There be good plunder and plenty desrvin’ ta fall under the cutlass!

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