So What’s Up with Muslims and Pork?

Former Muslim (now Christian) blogger Mushiloon mentioned the best way to tell if someone has left Islam is if he eats pork (i.e., a Muslim will do other forbidden things – drink, gamble, not pray or fast – before eating pork.
Mushiloon further expands on why pork is forbidden, comparing the Jewish and Muslims beliefs, and also talks about the Muslim belief of the universal role of the Koran. A Muslim imam responds in the comments.
Worth a read since I noticed this Islam faith seems to be in the news a bit lately.


  1. I’m a Christian, and I don’t eat pork because I believe the Bible forbids it. Yes, I know other Christians believe it is okay. I just wanted you to know that some Christians have something up with pork too. Can’t we all just get along and eat turkey?

  2. The Apostle Peter had a vision in which a canopy full of “unclean” animals was made clean, so I figure, what is a pig good for on earth? Footballs, bodybags for dead terrorists, and delicious roast pork in all its wonderful forms. It is indeed the other white meat. Maybe that’s why they don’t like it.

  3. I don’t want to get into a debate. Well, yes I do. Read that vision of food that Peter received–before and after that vision. What is he doing? You see, it’s really about Gentiles, not food … Gentiles being “clean” to receive the gospel. Just read the whole story. You’ll see.

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