Special Comment: Morning Drive

So, I’m just driving along, minding my own business, when suddenly a dog in car next to me sticks his head out the window and starts barking at me.
So I flip him off.
Now the dog looks all shocked like he’s thinking, “How can you flip me off? I’m just a dog!” Well, Rover, I’ll tell you why. It’s because you can’t even drive at all, so I really don’t need your criticism. It’s the same reason I flip off three-year-olds making faces at me.
Am I right?


  1. Wasted effort Frank as dogs don’t get vulgar sign language unless they’re specially trained. Your correct response would have been to tilt your ears back and bare your teeth while giving him the stare-down. Of course it’s not wise to get into a stare-down with an angry dog while you’re driving, for aside from possibly wrecking, you might also entice the beast to jump at you…major pile up potential.
    I guess you could stick with flipping dogs off if it makes you feel better.

  2. While flipping off three year olds is fine, it is totally inappropriate and completely unacceptable to flip off dogs who may be barking at you from the next car, or even a house you may be walking by.
    What you should have done in this situation is roll down your window and bark right back at him, put him in his place.
    Fight fire with fire, Frank J.

  3. It is always appropriate to flip off a dog that is stupid enought to stick his head out of a car and bark at you! This indicates to me that his owner is either a moron, a democRAT or a JOOOOO and his dog is simply acting like his alpha leader! Next time if possible…give the dog a good punching in his dumb monkey face!

  4. I gotta go with shimauma on this one Frank. Did you also consider he may have been trying to warn you that your tire pressurewas low, you needed radiator fouid or the Indians were attacking the fort? Apparently you are too young to remember how Lassie or Rin Tin Tin communicated pending disasters, attacks and other miecellaneous maladies.

  5. Spidey is right on. On our evening walks we pass several noisy, stupid, poorly trained dogs who seem perpetually surprised that people, cars, birds, kites, kids on bikes, and other dogs constantly pass their domain, so they bark, bark, bark. I quickly learned that barking back shuts them up and all they can do is tilt their doggy heads and say “baroo?” It’s also very therapeutic.

  6. Fliiping dogs off is mostly acceptable, but don’t go so far as to moon them, or you’ll get a whole lot of butt piercings.
    As for flipping off children, it is better to flash your gang signs at them, since most gangs consist of stupid little kids anyway.

  7. What are you talking about!?! Flipping off dogs and children!?! You could put an eye out flipping a rubber at a dog or a three year old! Shame on you all! Why would you keep rubbers in your car anyway? You should keep them in a drawer at home. That’s what I do. When the paper comes, I take the rubber off and put it in a drawer…BUT I NEVER FLIP THEM AT A CHILD OR A DOG! Why a dog could choke on one of those things. Shame on you.

  8. I have an ALPHA male cat…Slammin Sammy and he weighs 21 lbs and he aint fat! I challenge any of you dog owners to throw him out of a moving car and see what kind of a stump you pull back into the car… If you could throw him at a dog, however, it would be great fun! He gets big fun out of kicking dog ass!

  9. I’m tempted to flip dogs off, too. I’m usually on a bicycle. Frank’s definitely right that dogs can’t drive cars to save their lives, but they’re even worse on bicycles. It’s really funny to see one of them try to stay balanced while changing gears. Even indexed shifting doesn’t help them much.

  10. The problem is: you, the same people that were accusing Frank J of being obsessed with throwing cats at dogs are now trying to say that he SHOULD have thrown a cat at that dog! Frank J tried hard, harder than anyone else, to throw a cat at the barking dog. He tried and he failed, but he did more in his 20-minute car ride than any of you did in your 2-minute car ride. So don’t sit there with that smirk on your face trying to play your little set-up trick on Frank J!

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