Summary of the Virginia Senate Race



  1. I think he definitely showed them. I’m glad lefty’s are so mean, it makes things easier.
    I also noticed that she she said Jews, Jew, Jewish, and Joos a lot more than neccessary. I think she just likes to say it. It does kind of roll off the tongue pretty well.

  2. Very good and professional response. If he wanted to be clever, he could just bring up the fact that “Jewdom” ends when somebody’s mother isn’t Jewish. If his mother’s mother isn’t Jewish, his mother isn’t either, and even less so, him.

  3. I see you are using the “media approved” spelling of ‘macaca’. Has anyone ever asked Allen how he spells it? I would submit that it could be spelled: McCaca. Perhaps he thought the stalker was Irish.

  4. I hate to bring reason into such an adolescent debate but when we get down to it don’t we all come from the same place, no matter what your belief about the beginnings of life are.
    I mean. either we all descended from Adam and Eve or we are all descended from which ever creature first came out of the swamp (heh,heh).
    Either way we all come from the same stock. Sorry Muslims, KKK and the Democratic Party, there really is no basis for class and race warfare.

  5. Senator Macaca is a JEW ?!?!?!?!
    WOW, that’ll be TWO Jews ousted from the US Senate this November !!!
    We’re taking ‘MuriKKKA back from Israel baby !!!

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