Thank You, Kos and Kids; You’ve Finally Motivated Me to Care About this Election

When I was at Carnegie Mellon University, our College Republican events often got tailed by an old guy with wild hair who handed out a photocopied, thick document which used wildly varying large fonts to emphasize his evidence about a huge lesbian conspiracy led by Hillary Clinton. Our response was to do our best to avoid eye contact.
With the Democrats today, it’s the crazy conspiracy guy that’s running the show, and he’s trying to avoid eye contact with the quieter, rational people (or shouting, “Traitor!” at them). That would be laughable if it were just some college group that had been taken over, but these guys are now running the show for the Democrats in Congress.
Just look at the posts on the front page of DailyKos today; the nutroots have finally found a greater threat to this country than Joe Lieberman. They are freaking out over the ABC miniseries The Path to 9/11 like hornets that just took a baseball bat to their nest. In one part of it, the movie uses a fictional event to portray the Clinton administration an impotent on terrorism and passing up an opportunity to get bin Laden for political reasons. Since the miniseries uses only one missed opportunity to get bin Laden to represent all the times he dropped the ball, it apparently makes Clinton look more competent than he actually was. Still, stopping this movie from airing has become priority number one for the nutroots, surpassing even their usual activities of diagramming how Karl Rove is to blame for today’s weather and eating their own feces. Normally, we’d be like, “So what?” But, when the nutroots say jump, the Democrats in Congress now say, “In how gay a manner?”
Look at the front page of the DNC website to see what their number one item is right now. And, in an unprecedented step, the Democrats, led by Minority Leader Harry Reid, have actually threatened to take away ABC’s broadcasting license over this miniseries.
Yes, something has finally motivated the Democrats to act in an intimidating manner, and IT’S A @#$% MINISERIES!
The nutroots have been crying about the government taking away free speech, and they’re finally getting what they wanted. In there world, terrorism is an overblown threat that’s only the worry of Republicans, but DISSENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Kos and kids were funny up until now. Really, with the whole Lieberman/Lamont thing, they perpetrated brilliant humor I could only imagine to aspire to. But now the inmates aren’t only running the asylum, they’ve turned it into a headquarters to run part of the government. It’s now time to squash this bug. This insane weiner posse doesn’t have enough rational thought among the group of them to be involved in decided what topping should go on a pizza, not to mention what should be the priority of the government. The American people have to see the face of who is currently behind the Democratic Party, and we need to drum out of office anyone who is actually beholden to these hate-filled, THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMaying patty cake.
The 2006 election is on, and the gloves are off, bitch.


  1. I’m with Frank on this one. Kos and them should stop worrying and just use it to get Moore’s film on regular tv or have a film created based on all the 9/11 conspiracy theories and everything will be balanced out. Docudrama means it is fiction and oh so not true. It’s like watching Ghost Whisperer or Fox News 🙂 — so not real or true. If they do show this it basically makes it a piece-of-cake for another filmmaker to get one on that shows there other 9/11 views so why are they freakin out? The other reason they should not worry is only the conservacrybabies sit around watching 911 stuff and obsessing over it. Only conservablogs seem to worship 911 like a god by putting the towers exploding and REMEMBER all over their blogs. Obsession that’s what that is. Wimpy scared obsessed tower worshipping conservabloggers. So wimpy and obsessed. So scared and afraid. Take away my waterbottle please mr. president cause I’m a scared conservacrybaby.

  2. Here, let me hold your baby bottle Mr. sarcasm man. A quick check for explosives and…up, sorry, guess you will have to come with us. That wasn’t formula it’s liquid explosive. Too bad we can’t preform a check to see if ones brain has become liquid mush.

  3. FrankJ wrote:
    “the gloves are off, bitch.”
    OH NO! Monkey Faced Liberals like me are quaking in their Birkenstocks!
    FrankJ is now on the attack! The sleeping delusional untalented political humorist awakes!
    FrankJ’s most recent “In My World” and “FrankJ Editorial” columns were mainly filled with bad jokes about how Bush is dumb, Rumsfeld is a crazy old man, and Muslims are all terrorists. I claimed to be repelled, yet I honestly could not help but return to reread them every hour.
    In the future, though, he will use these columns and other posts to rigorously defend the Republican agenda of “Unneccessary War, Debt, and Pork,”. I might have to come up with new daitribes to use on these posts, so the future scares me.
    With IMAO’s DOZENS of dedicated readers now motivated to get out the hustings thanks to FrankJ’s jokes about Nancy Pelosi’s face, what will the Democrats do? Maybe they can comment religiously on rightwing blogs just like me.
    You can cut the tension with a knife! Or the replica samurai sword I am sure FrankJ has hanging in a place of honor in his house!
    (or maybe it is kept next to the bed, so he can grab it when his “paranoid nutjob” wife thinks she hears the immigrants/terrorists/communists trying to break in in the middle of the night.)
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  4. One more thing:
    FrankJ wrote:
    “they [Kos and kids] perpetrated brilliant humor I could only imagine to aspire to.”
    Though I don’t really like DailyKos that much, and don’t find it that funny in any case, to a certain extent I do agree with you on this point.
    You are right when you say that you can only aspire to writing “brilliant humor.”
    In fact, I would even say that at this point aspiring to write “mediocre humor” might be a rather ambitious goal for you.
    Isn’t it great when both sides of the political spectrum can come together to agree on something!
    Group Hug!
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  5. heck, FrankJ …. good job … not only a good rant but look at the moonbats you managed to attrack. One is known by the windpower o fhis opponents and those two sure blow strong … out their butts!
    All we have to do to stop the islamofascists is to listen to the socilaist simpletons and forget! Heh! What a surprise, nutjobs wanting us to forget. Forget Pearl Harbor. Forget that liberal newsmonkeys caused the Viet Nam loss. Forget that the Iron Curtain fell because communism failed … completely and utterly.
    Instead of remembering, we should be out chanting “peace” … bwahahahahahaha … because that would stop people from hating us (when in reality, people hate us for allowing moonbats to bark so loudly)

  6. Questions for Sarcasm Man:
    Why do you think it’s a good idea to advertise your sad excuse for a blog on a site where everyone hates you?
    Why are you so obsessed with Bush’s nicknames, which by the way I think (and hope) that you just made up yourself? What business of it is ours what he calls his associates?
    Why are you (and others) so obsessed with bashing the president when he’s not even up for re-election?

  7. MFL and martinluther are right.
    In the interest of clarity, all nine opportunies to get OBL should be shown and how each opportunity didn’t ‘measure up’ and what the backlash would be (as in couldn’t bomb, yet did). Unlike some, I like to see something before I bash it… maybe it’s me. /s
    Viva free speech.

  8. Frank J wrote:
    “It wouldn’t be a troll-fest without you, friend”
    You called me friend, you like me, you really really like me!
    All this time and energy to get your attention has been worth it, the great Frank J is my friend.
    Frank, I can be so much more if you would just let me!
    Leave that paranoid nutjob harpy shrew and ravage me instead.
    I vow to be yours forever,
    Hail Chthulhu,
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  9. FrankJ-
    At the risk of being called the grammer police, I feel the need to point out an significant error in your otherwise wonderful rant. When you wrote:
    “Yes, something has finally motivated the Democrats to act in an intimidating manner, and IT’S A @#$% MINISERIES!”
    It is clear that @#$% is incorrect as it needs more letters to make any sense. Next time try @#$%^&* or @#$%%^ instead.
    Proper cartoon swearing grammer is very important to teh funny.

  10. Why do you think it’s a good idea to advertise your sad excuse for a blog on a site where everyone hates you?
    I never said it was a good idea but at least people are more likely to know it is me and not Faker Man. I’m sorry you hate me and my blog bgrx.
    Why are you so obsessed with Bush’s nicknames, which by the way I think (and hope) that you just made up yourself? What business of it is ours what he calls his associates?
    I found it on Time magazine and other places. The Time link is here and below is the quote. I use it frequently because Bush has pushed for amending the constitution to prevent gay marriage and yet he uses a strange gay nickname for his friend.
    [In a 30-year career, Rove, 50, has worked on hundreds of Republicanraces throughout the country. So when Bush sits down with congressionalleaders, he can nod at Rove and say, “You all know the Boy Genius,” andthey all do. (Bush’s other nickname for Rove is less flattering: TurdBlossom.)]
    Why are you (and others) so obsessed with bashing the president when he’s not even up for re-election?
    Bush has weakened the dollar, created a massive deficit, killed our troops in an unnecessary war based on a lie, put us in debt to China, tried to sell our bases to Arab countries, allowed millions of illegal immigrants to stream across the border, enlarged the government, sold out to big multinational businesses instead of protecting the middle class, is terrible at fighting wars, increased pollution, told lies about global warming, etc. I don’t want his mistakes repeated or people that support him elected so I bash him. I don’t know why the others bash him. Some probably agree with me others may be bashing him just because he is Republican.

  11. Frankj,
    I’ve been reading and re-reading these troll posts looking for changes, in order to have an edge on the next game. AARRGG!! I wish you hadn’t started that!
    BTW, I think the dems have really stepped in it by their reaction to this one.

  12. “Bush’s other nickname for Rove is less flattering: TurdBlossom.” -Sarcasm Man

    From Wikipedia:
    “Turd Blossom is a Texan term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung”
    I’d say that’s an accurate desciption for somebody who can get something good out of a pile of B.S.

  13. //Yes, something has finally motivated the Democrats to act in an intimidating manner, and IT’S A @#$% MINISERIES!//
    Yeah, that about sums up the effectiveness of the DNC. “Terrorists & illegal aliens are OK, but we draw the line at television portrayals of Bill!”
    Jeeze, you’d think they were a bunch o’ muslim pussies angry about a portrayal of their “prophet”.

  14. Dang, that was close.
    I browsed the ‘Internet tubes’ to the DNC link, read through their ‘stuff’, and almost sent 0 dollars on their Donate page using a credit card.
    Is this common, or am I some kind of wacko? Am I being unreasonable again?

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