The Hypocritical Conservatives

There has been much outrage on the right-wing side of the blogosphere over a British movie depicting President Bush being assassinated (it’s also part of the topic of today’s Vent), but I don’t remember a peep coming out of conservatives when the shoe was on the other foot.
Remember this movie:

Not funny.

It came out on February 15, 1991, and it graphically depicted the deaths of the entire British royal family as the backdrop FOR A COMEDY!
And what was the comedy? An American is found as the last in the royal bloodline and then shocks the British with his strident Americanism. So not only does the movie first horrify British audiences by showing the deaths of their beloved monarchs, it then insults them by using those tragic death to show the superiority of the American way.
And that’s funny?!
Well, I saw the movie when it came out in theaters, and I didn’t laugh once. Now, I was only eleven at the time and most of my strident condemnation was reserved for string beans, but I still remember remarking on way out the theater:

This movie… this movie is not my kind of movie.

So, my conscience is clear on this issue. Will the rest of you out there condemning the British movie about the death of President Bush also condemn King Ralph? And, will you admit, for all the faults of the British movie, at least it doesn’t star John Goodman?
If not, then I think you shut up about this.


  1. Beo,
    That’s a dodge. Yes, King Ralph did alter the name of the royal family (and, if you watch the lip-synching, it was appreantly done in post), but we all know there is only one ruling British royal family. That’s like taking the movie about Bush’s assasination an only changing that the President is now named “Shrub”.

  2. But at least we gave them their royal lineage back (in the person of Peter O’Toole) at the end of the movie!
    I have a list of British royal family members who SHOULD be depicted as being assassinated. It’s getting rather long (but I promise to feel ashamed afterwards).

  3. It’s a highly contrived comedy (that no one other than yourself ever watched) in which they needed a vehicle for getting their guy to the throne and much hilarity ensuing. Or something like that. Basically it’s stupid..
    This is not quite the same as a supposedly serious pseudo-documentary /political commentary about the assasination of the sitting president.
    It is possible that the writers of King Ralph actually fantasised about killing the Royal Family but I’d say it’s much more likely they were desperately short of ideas for comedies.

  4. I didn’t view King Ralph as a comedy. It was more satire and a political statement of how the British have to constantly turn to Americans to bail them out of the latest crisis.
    Even the most inept American [was Goodman typecast or what] is capable of saving the collective British posterior. If not for that Sherlock Holmes dude, they’d have nothing to brag about.

  5. I must confess, I had forgotten about King Ralph, though I saw it on TV just a few months ago. I’m not sure WHY I watched it on TV, I can only assume I was either exceedingly bored or paralyzed with fear by the film and unable to change the channel. Probably the latter.
    I must agree with Frank in the condemnation of this film. I’d go one step further, even, and suggest that the makers of the film be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and preferably executed.

  6. lol for King Ralph reference. Dumb Air, Captains Dumb Ideas and those other hardcore conservabloggers probably won’t like this movie either. Still need to see Stone’s current film. Nicolaus Cage rox! He be the ghost ridaaaa! I’ll have to put See WTC on my todo list for next week next to tell IMAO commentors how dumb they are when they support the loserish non-terror killing Bush administration! 🙂 Can’t forget that!

  7. If we’re playing tit for tat, when will the British apologize for Benny Hill? I want names! I want addresses! I want Benny’s stupid melon on a platter! As dismal as King Ralph was, it was a blip in the entertainment world, whereas Benny Hill has been a metasticized cancer on the public airwaves since I was a wee lad. Death to the Limey Dork!

  8. I think there is a marked difference between King Ralph and the new video. The first did not show the assassination of the reigning monarch – it showed the assassination against a bunch of indeterminate royals. As such, the movie was not one against The Queen. Furthermore, it was a minor plot element, not something the movie revolved around.
    Making a political movie – where what was depicted is done for political reasons and not for comedy or amusement but, it seems, out of some deranged bloodlust – regarding a serving President is despicable.

  9. I have not seen King Ralph. I try to stay away from anything that has Goodman in it. I think that using the death of anyone as fodder for comedy is disgusting and that includes Liberal Democrats. That said anyone can make any kind of TV show, movie, or book that they want. The way to make sure they don’t make anymore is to simply not buy it.
    The Dixie Chicks should have learned that lesson but they are blond so it will take a few more hits with the snake to get it through to them. I will forget about this new stupid movie, King Ralph and the Chicklets pretty much as soon as I hit post.
    Ignoring someone, especially the narcissistic is the worse thing one can do to them.

  10. Hey! Thanks seanmahair your Dixie Chicks comment helped me think of my new blog entry!! Hooray for that. Apparently, the Republican party is losing tons of votes from dixie chicks. Hooray for that too!

    Republicans on the ballot this November have reason to worry. A recent Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that three out of five Southern women surveyed said they planned to vote for a Democrat in the midterm elections. With control of the Senate and House in the balance, such a seismic shift could have dire consequences for the GOP.
    Democrats need to gain 15 seats in the House and six in the Senate to seize control.
    In a sign of how crucial races in the South will be to the GOP national strategy, Bush traveled to Georgia Thursday to help former Rep. Max Burns (news, bio, voting record) raise money in his bid to unseat Democratic Rep. John Barrow. The president also gave a speech in Atlanta.
    Knight lives in another congressional district considered competitive. Republicans hope to oust Democratic Rep. Jim Marshall (news, bio, voting record), whose district was redrawn by the GOP-controlled Georgia Legislature to make it more conservative.
    Voters like Knight could prove to be spoilers. The 66-year-old real estate agent doesn’t particularly like Marshall, a hawkish Democrat and former Army Ranger, but she said she’ll vote for him because she likes his conservative Republican opponent, former Rep. Mac Collins, even less.
    “I’m going to go for the moderate, and these days that tends to be Democrats,” Knight said.
    Sandy Rubin, a high school teacher in Macon, voted for Bush and said she’s also likely to vote for Marshall. Rubin said the GOP’s focus on issues that appeal to social conservatives, such as gay marriage and abortion, have turned her off.

    Great point Sandy. The GOP’s focus on those issues instead of focusing on illegal immigration, border security and balancing the budget really turns me off too.

  11. //no movie has been made showing Osama, az-Zawahiri, Ahmadinezhad, Khamene’i, Kim Jong Il, et al., being assassinated?//
    Kim Jong Il got it from Team America, Osama died from a gunshot to the head on a South Park episode and Saddam died by filthy language in Southpark’s Bigger, Longer and Uncut movie. Hot Shots part Deux also got Saddam when they turned him into a doggy dictator and dropped a piano on him, so our crazy, independent film-makers here in America have it covered, no worries. Hooray Trey and Matt!!

  12. King Ralph did not show any real people in their movie. It is a totally ridiculous comparison. DOAP shows the real POTUS being killed, not a fictional royal family accidentally being electrocuted. Besides, comparing the Royal Family to a real head of state isn’t really an apt comparison either. Not to say that it wouldn’t be tragic but they have no real power.

  13. Very good point. Michelle Malkin will never acknowledge your point. It makes her silly book look even sillier. I am surprised your comment wasn’t deleted.
    Listen, The Right Wing goes on and on about Islamist facisits as well and they seem to forget about the Christian facists who were bombing women helth clinics and murdering doctors in the 80s and 90s.
    What’s the damn difference between the two? They all want to kill in the name of God. And how about this great new doc Jesus Camp? These children are being raised as soldiers of God prepared to wage the war against the people who they believe do not love Jesus. The preface is there are people who love Jesus and there are people who do not. I think in 10 – 15 years we are going to see a Christian Jihad like nothing we can even fathom today. And I am Catholic and find it very scary.
    They also seem to forget the hate they were all spewing toward the Clintons. Before this so called Bush Derangment Syndrome Malkin has coined there was Clinton Derangement Syndrome, so there.
    The hypocrisy is that huge elephant sitting in the room that they constantly seem to ignore.
    I don’t get it, they never cotton up to it.

  14. Margey,
    The real question is what is the difference between the abortionist and his killer? They are performing the same acts–
    Perhaps the Christians fear that the Liberals will reach the point where they are no longer satisfied with the unborn?
    They have taken away prayer, even a moment of silence for contemplation, the Pledge is now banned, where will the Left stop, and will they have to be stopped?

  15. Tyoical wingnuttery….
    Didn’t your mother tell you that your brand of wingnuttery is for clowns?
    Abortion is legal whether you or I agree with it however murder is not -you sicko.
    But thanks you proved my thesis.

  16. I liked King Ralph quite a bit, and I have always liked John Goodman. Who can forget the career criminal from “Raising Arizona”, or the coach from “Revenge of the Nerds”? I guess you all are more hoity-toity than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Frank –
    Watch the trailer at the site for the movie, I can tell you it surpasses King Ralph.
    At the end of the trailer the Evangelical Director has her arms stretched upward and she is yelling, “this is war, this is war” and the children are sobbing. One little blonde girl has tears streaming down her cheeks and the Evangelical Director says to them – “are you a part of it or not?!”
    Now early on in the film she is quick to distinguish what the Palestinians are doing with their children, but really in America is it appropiate to use buzz words like “war” and phrases like “people who are the enemy” and “soldiers for God”?
    It is a bit much IMHO, these are little boys and girls. I attended Catholic school in the 60s with nuns from Hell who told us allot of crazy things like all of our Protestant friends where destined to go to Hell because they weren’t Catholic, but what is going on at this camp is child abuse in it’s purest form.

  18. I hate it when someone I really disagree with tells me I made a good point, but as usual Sarcraptic Man missed the point. Just like a Lib, can’t concentrate for more than 20 seconds and can’t stay on task. Missed that lesson in Kindergarten, did we?
    I thought I was going to have to wash my brain out with Clorox but no, he went off on a tanget. Hope he stays away a long time.

  19. Margey,
    Actually, you missed the point I was making completely.
    Just as you were comparing Christians to Islamic Fundamentalists, I was comparing abortionists to those who seek to stop them. Your (IM)Moral Equivalence must be carried to the extreme to demonstrate just how ridiculous it is.
    The Christians as a group do not claim the same goals as the Muslims as a group.
    This makes no difference to those who would equivocate and suggest that all religous groups are evil. Only someone who was so blinded by their own prejudice could claim as you did concerning the Moral Equivalency.
    Although I feel that abortion is a matter for the individual, I can and do feel that the Left is taking great pleasure with their Moral Equivalency to advance their views and further isolate the mainstream Christians. They (you) are creating an animosity that did not previously exist by their continuing to minimize Christians. They are driving what could become a Christian rebellion. These few things that we support are being outlawed by the deliberate misinterpretation of the clauses concerning the Separation of Church and State. Read exactly what they say and com[pare it to the statements made daily by the Left. In plain terms, there is no need for interpretation.

  20. What is Jesus Camp?
    Margey, you make me cringe. I’m ashamed that you’re Catholic. At least spell check your libtard comments.
    Do you have enough intelligence to document your claims? “Christian facists (sic) who were bombing women (sic) helth (sic) clinics and murdering doctors”. How many clinics were bombed? How many doctors murdered? I don’t have any idea, but I’ll bet it’s under 20 clinics and a couple of doctors. That was evil, but you compare it to thousands of Islamic attacks?
    Margey, you are stupid. You are evil masquerading as gooey goodness. You are probably a sockpuppet.

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