The J Is Back, Yo

I’m back to Florida, and a lot has happened in the news in the past week and a lot has been brewing in my head, so expect a burst of blogging starting tomorrow.
While waiting, please pre-order my new t-shirt. My dog needs food (actually, since the dog spa boarding her is closed today, I don’t get to see her until tomorrow 🙁
BTW, if you have a blog and want to help in a tribute to the victims on 9/11 for the fifth anniversary of the attack, go here to sign up as there are still some names left to be assigned to bloggers.


  1. Let me get back to you on the blogging for 9-11 victims. If ever there was a better reason to join the 42 trillion other bloggers, I don’t know what it is.
    Not sure why so many have been able to forget about it. It haunts me to this day. One thing I remember; I’m at my son’s football practice that beautiful Tuesday. It’s after 5pm. the planes have been grounded for hours. I try to pay attention to Sean running his drills, but am constantly distracted by the total absence of planes in the sky. It’s rare not to hear a plane flying over across the heartland of America all day long, and this odd silence from the sky shakes me to my core. I pray it never happens again, but I’m not all terribly optimistic.
    Now I’m totally bummed.

  2. Paleomedic,
    I had the same reaction to the lack of contrails in the sky. It was especially eerie then when I saw Air Force jets in the sky. Bush had come to Offutt AFB that day, and the jets I saw were his military escort as he left.

  3. I passed by the airport here in Phoenix twice a day to go to school when all this happened. School was obviuosly cancelled that day, and they had evacuated the building I worked in.
    It was the eeriest thing the following days seeing nothing coming or going out of Sky Harbor. That anyone could forget that day sickens me. And I don’t mean that poetically.
    The people who claim that 9/11 was our fault, or an inside job, or who just don’t care anymore literally make my stomach turn to the point of nausea.
    We must never forget. And we must never forget any other terrorist attack. And we must NEVER NEVER NEVER apologize for who we are or making excuses as to why we were attacked. NEVER.

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