The New Name for Our Enemies

I’ve looked through the suggestions for a new name for our enemies that wouldn’t offend CAIR like “Islamic fascists” does, and I’ve picked what I think is the winner:

“Friends of CAIR”
That one doesn’t even mention Islam in the name, so CAIR should find it unoffensive to peaceful Muslims.
(BTW, the winning term was posted anonymously, so whoever comments first to this post can claim credit.)


  1. Bah! Was not the phrase “friends of CAIR” used in that movie “Dead Men Wear Plaid”, starring Steve Martin?…
    No, wait. That was ‘friends of Carlotta’… but it did have facists in it.
    Ok – so they were movie facists but that ties the “friends of CAIR” and “Dead Men” motif together nicely.
    Bah! It’s been a long day in the regime.

  2. I would NEVER EVER tell ANYONE that I was “pulling a Clinton” given the wide latitude left for interpretation and the possibility that one may substitute Monica’s actions as Clintons…

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