The Path the 9/11: With New Happy Ending

Remember to tune in to ABC’s newest Special: the Path to 9/11: You didn’t see nothin’.
Here is the oriiginal promo for this series.

Unfortunately, this replay of reality completely upset the Democrats. In fact, when they found out that ABC was going to do a portrayal of the events leading up to 9/11, the Dems were livid!. Many were so livid they almost dropped their Korans.
Bill Clinton was so incensed he immediately began ignoring all his interns. On the plus side, it’s nice to see Mr. Clinton worried about terrorism, even if its only the terrorism on TV.
Anway. By now the new improved 9/11 mini-series is now ready. Here’s the new promo poster along with the original story lines by ABC as well as the changes made AFTER the DNC party suggested improvements.

Change: Terrorists
Before: Blood-thirsty crazy Muslims extermists who think nothing of shedding innocent blood.
After: Poor, misunderstood fliers guilty of nothing except Flying While Muslim.
Change: Clinton Administration
Before: Did nothing despite repeated attacks on American embassies and troops.
After: Offered to help ease global warming in the Middle East by sending them Hillary.
Change: John Kerry
Before: Was against any violence against Americans.
After: Was for the violence before he was against the violence.
After-after. Was horribly misquoted by Fox news when they replayed his entire speech verbatim.
After-after-after. Converted to Islam when he found out there are some mighty rich Muslim widows out there.
Change: American Anger
Before: A blind-rage towards those who would kill people for nothing but wanting to go to work and feed their families.
After: College professors join the intellectual dialog to discuss how those victims were nothing more than little Echman’s who “had it coming” to them.
Change: President George Bush
Before: At time of crash, is shown reading the story Gus The Goat to preschoolers.
After: At time of crash, is shown reading the story Gus The Goat to his cabinet.
Change: Osama Bin Laden
Before: Portrayed by ABC as the key figure in Al-Queda.
After: Portrayed as the newest member of ZZ Top.
I don’t want to spoil the surprises for you. In fact, I guess I should have put a Spoiler Alert at the TOP of this message.
Oh well.
Spoiler Alert.
Before: Spoiler alert at the bottom.
After: It doesn’t matter. I can rewrite this anyway people want. It still doesn’t change what happened.


  1. Love the unicorn. Still Frank’s funnies are better than this. Where is Frank? Hey look Bush is going to ground zero. OH MY GOSH I bet you Bush drones are SO EXCITED!!! I remember him there with the megaphone saying how the terrorists would “hear from all of us soon.” Yet, Osama and al-Zawahiri are still free as a bird today and we are at war in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. How pathetic is that? Everyone thought Osama would be captured or killed pretty quickly after 9/11 but Bush let us all down. His father was such a better president.

  2. I just saw this on ABC. In the revised (democrat approved) version; Clinton personally went over and killed OBL and got a hummer from every girl in the cave too. In 2001; Bush resurrected OBL by sacrificing Dick Cheney (those weren’t heart problems, he actually needed a new heart. Old one went into OBL) to Satan. After OBL was revived; Bush gave him the entire scheme. Brilliantly produced movie! 😉

  3. //Love the unicorn. Still Frank’s funnies are better than this. Where is Frank? Hey look Bush is going to ground zero. OH MY GOSH I bet you Bush drones are SO EXCITED!!! I remember him there with the megaphone saying how the terrorists would “hear from all of us soon.” Yet, Osama and al-Zawahiri are still free as a bird today and we are at war in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. How pathetic is that?//
    We are? Which country are we at war with? If you meant Iraq, we’re not at war with them. Did you mean Afghanistan? No, we’re not at war with them, either.
    “Osama and al-Zawahiri are still free as a bird today”
    That’s true. But you can thank Bill Clinton for that. Here, I’ll say it with you: Thanks, Bill!!
    “How pathetic is that?”
    Look at what you post & where you post it, silly. THAT’S pathetic.

  4. Yet, Osama and al-Zawahiri are still free as a bird today
    Mmmhmmm. Hiding in caves, never seeing sunlight, hardly communicating with the world, quite irrelevant and useless – yep, they’re free as birds. Idiot.
    Osama’s success lies at the feet of Bill Clinton. He refused to take Osama out, despite the fact Osama declared war on America when Clinton was president, and despite Clinton being in power for 8 years. Bush has done fifty times more things for American national security than Clinton. If Clinton or a Dem stooge were president on 9/11, we’d all be speaking Arabic now.
    Nice post, RWD.

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