The Pope and The Splodey-Dopes

Am I the only one who finds the the Islamic response to Benedict’s speech just a tad bit, well, for lack of a better word,


That said, a problem arises, where do we send all the French peacekeepers?


  1. Well, if we want to largest Catholic Basilica reduced to a smoldering pile, we could send them to Vatican City. However, I think the best place for French peacekeppers is in French White Flag factories. It’s where they belong.

  2. I am glad the Poop said what he said. The response just proves the point the Grand Poobah of the Byzantine Empire was trying to make centuries ago. Islam is an evil sickness, and the cure for it will require total war sooner or later. I’d opt for sooner and start with Iran.

  3. //the Islamic response to Benedict’s speech just a tad bit, well, for lack of a better word, disproportionate?//
    No, it’s only disproportionate if it’s being perpetrated by the Jooooooos, remember? Or maybe by the Girl Scouts…I forget…

  4. Now let me get this straight. The Muslim/Islamists hate all christians because of what the pope said? How are they defining christians? And how does what the pope say have anything to do with what I believe since I am Mormon and as the christian world would have you believe, Mormons are not christian??
    FrankJ, how are the plans coming for nuking the moon?

  5. Don’t ya just love it when your enemy makes your point for you.
    Religion of peace
    Tolerence and diversity
    Room for everyone (as long as they think the same way I do.
    Brought to you by Islamics for Violent Change otherwise known as the Democratic party, ACLU and the NAACP with Quezy Mafume, the Reverend Jessie and Reverend Sharpton.
    I have one last request . Don’t nuke the moon, nuke the Middle East. Once the land goes there won’t be anything to fight about.
    Doesn’t that just take the wind out their sails.

  6. Don’t worry elvenbane, the Muslims, as well as the Jews all believe that the Pope is the head of Christianity and as a Mormon, you aren’t part of this flap.
    Interesting, isn’t it, that these two ancient religions recognize the Pope has the head of the Christian Church, when so many Christians don’t?

  7. He quoted a fourteenth-century Byzantine Christian emperor, who, in a discussion about Christianity and Islam with a Persian scholar, said this: “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”
    Why is this slander?
    Either A) Muhammad didn’t preach this. This would be contradicted by the Koran. Or B) he did preach speading the faith at swordpoint, and that this is NOT actually evil and inhuman. If that’s the case, I don’t EVER want to hear any more crap about the Crusades being bad from a muslim again.
    What’s good for the goose, after all.
    Let’s be honest- the crusades were not an attack on islam, they were a counter-attack after centuries of bloody conquest by muslims. Maybe this is what liberals and muslims have in common – it’s only a “war” when christians tell them to stop attacking us. Up until then what they do to attack us is not considered bad at all.

  8. Open letter to the Pope:
    Dear Pope Benedict XVI:
    We Muslims are not at all violent, not that you said we were, but who needs to read your speech when the local imam, who hasn’t read it either, can tell us what it says? Since peaceful efforts to convince you of our commitment to peace have failed, we hope that the mass riots, burnt effigies, cries of “Death to the Pope!” and a smattering of grenades in assorted churches will exorcise every ghost of the rumor that we are violent, and prove that Mohammed pitched a tent big enough to include interfaith camels. It is hoped that you will rescind your position, even if it wasn’t yours to begin with, lest our peacefulness escalate even further.
    (from First Things )

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