The Power of Blogs

I should give a shout out to John Hawkins and the gang for reaching their fundraising goal with Rightroots. I don’t know how they did it (they were a bit from the goal last I checked yesterday), but they did it, and because of that the RNC is going to send out a promotional e-mail for Rightroots on their giant e-mail list.
Anyway, kudos for helping those Republican candidates raise needed funds and for continuing the fight. There are many arguments out there that Speaker Pelosi (or Murtha) in 2007 would actually be best in the long run for the GOP, but I’m not quite buying it. Also, now Republicans might pay blogs more attention (well, no one is paying me anymore attention).
If nothing else comes of this, John McCain got a kind mention from John Hawkins; that’s not something you see every day.


  1. Read something yesterday on the net as to whether people were channelling FrankJ (something about puppy blending). You are getting play out there Frank, so you got that going for you. Which is nice.

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