They Want to Kill….Us.

They want to kill… us. (Video link)
And they want US to kill THEM.
At least that part we can agree on.
See, there is common ground.
Ground for them to be buried in.


  1. Anyone wanting to kill me is just going to have to get in line and wait their turn. Some people have been waiting for years.
    Tell you what. You guys go on to the South Pole and wait for me. I’ll meet ya there.
    Trust me.

  2. Funny, the ad doesn’t even mention Democrats or any other political party by name. But, lo and behold, someone felt the need to defend the Democrats from “cut and run” accusations. Why is that?

  3. Come on, Bruce; this is a conservative site, the ad is clearly a Republican attack on Democrats’ arguments (or at least what Republicans want to paint as the Dems’ arguments).
    Now, do you want to discuss the merits of my previous comment?

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