Those Darn Christian Extremists

Rosie O’ Donnell is right on when she says that Christian Extremists are as bad as Muslim Extremists.
Here is my artistic ode to Ms. O’ Donnell’s amazing observation.
I for one am glad that Rosie spoke Truth to Power. I am sick and tired of these Christians ramming our buildings with airplanes while singing “Praise Jesus!”.

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  1. wah r u guys doing u thin tha u been true to ur self and ur Lord u being a discrace then when u do sumut wrong no one critizis u lot wen it comes to muslims u critizise islaam u knw wha jst because one does sumut wrong u cant blame us all wel we dnt get justice muslims want peace thats wha islaam is bout why r u makin more war being created u r jst playin ur self live on ur faith if u gt any and watch the Lord is always watchin u lot knw islaam is a true religion jst cant tke it wel this isnt life wen u go to ur grave tha is where the Lord will judge on wha u hve created!

  2. Interesting. It wasn’t too long ago that Muslims were waxing eloquent about all the good things they’ve brought to civilizaion. OBVIOUSLY, spelling and critical thinking weren’t on the list.

  3. When I heard what she said I thought about a personal hell for Rosie:
    She is sitting on an airplane in flight, unaware that she is dead. On her left is an islamofascist, shaved and perfumed for the trip to paradise, decked out in a sporty suicide vest properly accessorized with a hand-held detonator. On her right is a minister holding a Bible, his eyes closed in prayer.
    Rosie spends eternity wondering who will violently kill her first.

  4. You have to forgive her. Those whacky body thetans made her say that.
    How do you think Rosie is most likely to die:
    A) In a blatant act of Christian terrorism.
    B) At the hands of Barbra Walters.
    C) The sound of her own voice will cause her to drive off a bridge.
    D) Choking…in a hotel room…alone…on a chicken salad sandwich.

  5. Actually Rosie and Muslims have a lot in common. Neither believe in God, both try desperately to justify their existence and they both attack people who have done nothing to them, personally. They also both consort with enemies of freedom and democracy.
    Why are we wasting our valuable time taking about these non-entities, again?
    One last thought, maybe they could trade Rosie in for 72 virgins. It could work.

  6. Psalm 37: 1-2
    Do not fret because of evildoers, Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
    2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,And wither as the green herb.
    I guess King David was an extremist too.

  7. This come from aperson who wants gun owners sent to prison then turn around a gets a gun for her childs bodyguard who pursuades K-mart to remive guns then K-mart gose bankrupt who hosts the tony awards and they flop then hosts a broadway production SUSICAL THE MUSICAL and it bombs SORRY MS ROSIE OSNOOTY BUT WE DONT CARE FOR HYPOTCRITS

  8. Ok, not that I agree totally, but what she was saying was that the people who go to abortion clinics and blow them up are no different than Muslim facists who blow non-muslim facists up. On that, I think she’s right. A facist by any religion is still a nut job.

  9. Maybe we can get Bill O’Reilly from FOX
    get her back on a show that is really
    seen by an intelligent informed peoples
    where he might kissie up with her and go
    through the “we come from the same New York Long Island scene” and where PEACE
    was made between a bull shootin HOST &
    the real questions that mattered never
    surfaced because Mr. SPIN caved in to
    the Liberal Mouth of Sweet Rosie O’Grady
    O’Donnell…we give so much room for these left wing lunnies and O’Reilly
    got mugged with a super SNOW job by a
    person who really dosen’t know who the
    heck she really is! Bill O’Reilly are
    you still just going to let this really
    bad spot of reporting slip or will you
    really get back to the SPIN REALLY STOPS

  10. Have we mentioned lately that this is a political HUMOR website?
    Making fun of Rosie is what we do. Making fun of Islam is what we do. Somberly reacting is “not getting it.”
    If you think we shouldn’t be making fun of something, then your revenge would be to never visit this website again. That’ll show us!

  11. true Christian extremists are much less scary than Muslim extremists. They blow up a lab or a clinic or one doctor who they perceive as a murderer of children while Muslim extremists blow up …children.

  12. Quick question, how many lunatic Christians have killed people in the past 50 years versus lunatic Muslims?
    Okay, out of simple curiousity, do you mean crazy people who claim to be christian, or christians following their religion crazily and killing people?
    Not that, y’know… there’s much of either, really….

  13. We don’t need Rosie O’Donnell to inform
    us of what Christianity is all about!
    When she is able to lump any area of
    humanity with Human Misled Timebombers
    and try to draw comparisons to Christian
    belief shows us where the uninformed
    hang out! Safely in the confines of a
    Country that is protecting their very life and livelihood by American Hero
    Servicemen and WOMEN who give their
    lives in return! Rosie count your Blessings and live in the Peace provided
    for all America by Faithful Americans!
    Look up JIHAD Rosie and really be an
    informed person!

  14. Noone – As a Pastor of the Church of the Evangelical Lunes, I’d have to say that we’re a bit behind in our murder/mayhem in the new millennium. We’ve been focusing on building hospitals, schools, and (sadly) orphanages for the last several years…and a number of our flock are heavily into practicing this “turning the other cheek” thing. Yeah…I know…what are they thinking?!
    Also, how’s the Herman’s Hermits gig going? …yes, I’m even older than Harvey.

  15. isnt it unchristian to bomb abortion clinics, or shoot the doctors that perform these? not to mention the christian base that advocates bombing the hell out of a poor underdeveloped country like iraq and afghanistan until theres no hope for recovery for decades on end? im pretty sure any sane christian agrees that pushing democracy on these countries at the expense of 100’s of thousands of civilians is at the very least a debatable action?

  16. “Actually Rosie and Muslims have a lot in common. Neither believe in God, both try desperately to justify their existence and they both attack people who have done nothing to them, personally.” or “We’ve been focusing on building hospitals, schools, and (sadly) orphanages for the last several years” first of all muslims do believe in god, the same god christians do, they just have different versions of the same story you ignorant people, and hospitals, schools, rebuilding seem to be the exact same thing that hezbollah has been doing in lebanon after the isrealites bombed the shit outta the southern part of that country, and that seems to be forgotten among americans….hmmmmm

  17. Yup, that’s what we’re doin’ in Iraq and Afghanistan….shoving democracy down their throats. And, the last time I checked, the progress we’ve made rebuilding these poor, undeveloped countries rivals anything they had before we shoved democracy down their throats! Of course, if you’re a socialist Canadian, you’d not be familiar with the concept of true freedom and especially independence from government! Oh?! That’s right…political satire!!! Ha, ha, ha! For a second I thought you were serious!

  18. yes, because canada is one step away from being the next soviet union, with our darn public healthcare and whatnot… do americans scream when they hear of that or something? “oh no, affordable medical treatments!!! run for your lives, stalins a coming”
    its not like were so different the americans, but it seems like we know when to stay the f*** outta something thats obviously going to wind up being a cluster f*** like iraq… i can understand afghanistan, but who didnt see iraq coming? i mean come on

  19. iraq was terrible, all bush has done is increase the number of terrorists by giving them a common cause to fight for, like when western countries alligned against afghanistan when 9/11 happened, muslims across the middle east fight against americans in iraq because they consider it an attack on islam…..stupids

  20. The toughest question I face as a christian today is “How do I specifically, individually love my enemies?” If all the law comes down to two things, love your God with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself, is it too easy of a “cop-out” to say that an “islamofascist” is not my neighbor?

  21. Ok…some whack job goes out and bombs an abortion clinic or shoots an abortion doctor, claims he’s acting as a Christian and now we are all the same as Bin Laden’s followers? C’mon!
    Psssst…if you let Rosie in on the 72 virgin pics, she will convert and off herself and we will all be done with this shrew!

  22. jbrrrd…it’s about being under the law or freed from the law. Christians are freed from the law and are taught that by practicing love for even our enemies that we are fulfilling the law perfectly. I don’t always practice it…and loving these Islamic pricks is very hard for me!

  23. Whatsa matter, Canadian? Doesn’t your keyboard have punctuation marks or capital letters? If your socialized medical plan is so great why do I see so many of your countrymen in our hospital waiting rooms? I’m in a border state and our mall parking lots and hospital parking lots are peppered with Manitoba license plates….just visiting? Must all be emergency treatments/surgeries! Yes, socialized medicine is great….as long as you never get sick!

  24. “…all bush has done is increase the number of terrorists by giving them a common cause to fight for…”
    So, you think that the “threat” of democracy to Iraqis increases the number of terrorists? Gives them a common cause to fight for?
    Riiiiiight. Because they didn’t have that mean ol’ terrorist streak in them before we arrived. Because the burning desire to eradicate Israel just because their Idiots Guide to Being Hateful (koran) said so wasn’t a common enough cause.
    Boy, you sure got it figured oot, eh.

  25. Chris canadian,
    You forgot the one important difference between the two, Islam teaches that conversion must be by the sword until everyone is under theor control. That is where the Fascism comes in.

  26. Canadian,
    When blonde haired bomb toting senior citizen Scandinavian grandmothers attack St. Paul MN, then I’ll call them terrorists.
    If it acts like a terrorist, looks like a terrorist, talks like a terrorist, well got to say, I’ll call it a terrorist.
    You may be content to wait until the plague is at your door but I am grateful to the men and women risking their lives everyday to keep them away from me and my family.
    Yes I know this is a humorous site, but sometimes you gotta go for “real”.

  27. Guys – We must stop Christian Extremism now. In fact, if the effing hunger bombers aren’t stopped, thousands could have their stomachs pumped full of food. I’m sick and tired of Christians forcing their belief that everyone shouldn’t go hungry…bastards. Islam is a religion of peace. In fact, muslims are so appalled that anyone (see the pope) would consider them violent, they get violent when someone says they are.
    PS: do the 72 virgins have to wear burkas? Also, what does said peaceful suicide bomber do in eternity when his virgins are “experienced”?

  28. I’ve seen to many people misqoting, misleading, misinforming, and just plain being stupid. Lets set the record strait. Isslam besieves in Allah who believes in nothing but viiolence and murder, as opposed to christians who believe in the God who says things like “love youre neighber as yourself”, “Turn the other cheek”, and “Thou shalt not murder” The people who kill in the name of Christianity are blatently disobeying Christian standerds and will be judged harshly in their life after death. Some of you people realy tick me off, I still love you but you don’t know what your saying.
    Oh yea Christians didn’t say go to war with islamm Republicans did, the fact that I’m a republican doesn’t matter. Now I want to point out that there is a difference between killing and murder God himself killed people in the Bible, like everyone in the city of Sodom except Lot and his family, He also tole his followers to wipe out nations. However all those people deserved it, and I’m not saying that we should be in iraq right now but I’m saying that even death can be justified in Gods eyes. Such as self-defence and defence of our country. Ok I got that out of my system.

  29. Oooh! That wa sall tough & defiant, nate!
    “so shut the f*** up and go on with your meaningless lives” he says as he posts a meaningless comment on a blog he doesn’t like…
    BTW, I don’t think I “denie” the truth, whatever that means.

  30. Oooh! That was all tough & defiant, nate!
    “so shut the f*ck up and go on with your meaningless lives” he says as he posts a meaningless comment on a blog he doesn’t like…
    BTW, I don’t think I “denie” the truth, whatever that means.

  31. I think nate is kind of missing the point of FAITH when he/she makes logical, thought out comments such as:
    “god does not exsist. you denie the truth, well prove your god exsists you cant and never will be able to because god doesn’t exsist.”
    I kind of feel sorry for these folks with no moral center, no Savior in their life. And by the way, it is God (upper case g), exist and deny. Try reading (a Bible?) and the spelling will follow.

  32. just you,
    if you read a little further rather that just the opening paragraph, you’ll find this worthy of mention.
    The immediate cause of the First Crusade was Alexius I’s appeal to Pope Urban II for mercenaries to help him resist Muslim advances into territory of the Byzantine Empire.
    I don’t really consider myself religious, but I do wish that you liberals would apply the same standards to both sides.

  33. Sean Quixote: Thanks for actually giving us real history. While some abuses happened in the Crusades, as did in all wars, the Muslim threat against the Empire and even Jerusalem (which had a lot of Joooos living there) was always present. Unfortunately, the effect of 17th/18th Century English anti-Catholic propaganda about the Crusades is still among us. So are concepts like Catholics “worshipping statues” and the notion that more people were tortured and executed during the Spanish Inquisition (another means of removing a Muslim threat to a western government) than ever lived in western Europe. Pope Benedict is absolutely correct in his statements. I fear for his safety, because when others attack Christianity, Christians do not try to kill them in retribution for blasphemy. Some Muslim group assuredly wants to do him harm. Anyone who does this is no Christian, but makes a good Muslim.
    Nate: You are obviously a product of public schools and sound like you could use quality some time alone with a good Bedouin goat.

  34. “[G]od does not exsist. you [deny] the truth, well prove your god exsists[.] [You][can’t] and never will be able to because god doesn’t [exist].
    [So]shut the f*** up and go on with your meaningless lives.”
    This kind of poetry can only come from the mind of one 18-year-old philosopher who knows everything. I was there, also my friend. One day you’ll grow up and realize how arbitrary and exclusive atheism and agnosticism are.
    Correcting grammar and linguistics gives my life meaning and a feeling of superiority.

  35. Want to slow the suicide bombings way down… Spread the rumor that rosie is a prime example of one of the 72 virgins.
    As far as nate’s concerned, put ‘im on a battlefield and watch how much religion he can get.

  36. “Interesting. It wasn’t too long ago that Muslims were waxing eloquent about all the good things they’ve brought to civilizaion. OBVIOUSLY, spelling and critical thinking weren’t on the list.
    ROFL” -Anonymous
    Sadly, most of the inventions attributed to the Arab Muslims were merely communicated by them from Asia and India. They really didn’t invent much of anything. Merely claimed that they had since they were great traitors… I mean traders… that spanned most of Asia. Stole the idea, made it their own.
    Like, say, their religion. Stolen from Judaism and Christianity, twisted to add more violent Arab Tribal crap, then called it a Brand New religion.

  37. The Archangel Gabriel, Christian version:
    Appears to the young Virgin Mary, declares it the will of God that she becomes mother of Jesus, she accepts (having free will).
    The Archangel Gabriel, Muslim version:
    Appears to the young Mohammad, removes his heart and cleanses the “clot of sin” inside it (no free will, no anesthaesia either).
    They just don’t seem to be the same archangel to me. Mohammad was a great businessman and author, having synthesized familiar bits of Christianity, Judaism, and polytheistic Arab tribal beliefs, along with a winning personality and a sharp sword. Thank God that Joseph Smith had a kinder temper.

  38. Spacemonkey, one for each virgin.
    “…all bush has done is increase the number of terrorists by giving them a common cause to fight for…”
    Yeah, because fighting back is bad and wrong.
    In 1942 Hitler had to raise more divisions to fight the Americans. So in other words, all FDR did was create more Nazis.
    But it all doesn’t matter anyway. Iraq and Afghanistan have gone from terrorist-exporters to terrorist-importers.

  39. Of course nate knows all things and we can’t possibly deny what he says so therefor there is not God is there.
    Let me put it this way it is humanly immpossible to comprehend the entire earth around us, much less space, religion, and the human body. So no matter what you do there is always still space for God to exist in the unknowk.
    I’m curious if you don’t believe in inteligent design how do you think the earth was created nate. The big bang, yea in the biggining there was nothing and you all know what happens when you get abunch of nothing together… it explodes and life springs forth from the void.
    listen man I feel sorry for you. I accepted Christ at a very early age and I can’t remember nor immagine life without him. Read alittle more into Christianity and you’ll find it is the most historicly upheld religioun out there, so do me a favor and just look alittle into it

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