Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Assassins are a kind of fancy tennis shoe that Ned and Homer buy
2) What happens when you honk the horn of the car Homer designed for Powell Motors?
3) In “Bart’s Dog Gets An F”, what sickness does Lisa have?
4) Who did newsman Kent Brockman marry?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.


  1. This simpsons Trivia bit SUCKS!
    Give it an F’ing Break …
    IMAO used to be funny.
    You’ve turned it into a Gay Middle School Lunch Table.
    Harvey … Take the deck of cards and throw them in the garbage …
    What compels you to retype childrens game cards?
    Try having a thought for a change …

  2. Good God, people, this is the internets. There’s this magic thing called “scroll” that y’all should look into. Or, for the individually-minded, there’s a set of links at the top that you can click to move from post to post. Utilize it!
    Quit whining. Nobody forced you to come here. Nobody’s forcing you to read stuff you don’t want to read. SHUT UP AND MOVE ON!

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