UN: The Humane Thing To Do Is Just Let The Lunatics Kill You

So, the UN says that if some lunatic is trying to kill you or me, we don’t necessarliy have the right to defend ourselves with deadly force. Because the (nanny) state can’t guarantee we’ll do enough to preserve the right to life of the lunatic. Part of the reason is the idea that “firearms are to be used only in extreme circumstance”. Seems like using a firearm makes any circumstance more extreme.
Case in point:
-Getting the mail.

Me: {whistling} Hey! Cool, the new Popular Mechanics!

No firearm. Not extreme.
-Getting the mail

Me: {whistling} Hey! Cool, the new Popular Mechanics! Hooray [BLAM BLAM].

-Getting the mail from the postman

Me: {whistling} Hey! Cool, the new Popul…
Postman: No whistling near the mail! That’s a federal offense and I’m {thumbs USPS patch on chest} a federal employee.
Me: {whist–What’s with the gun?
Postman: Prepare to die. [opens fire] BLAM, BLAM].
Me: {ducks behind mailbox} Stop oppressing me you postal lunatic! [Removes holdout pistol from ankle holster and without UN approval, returns fire. [BLAM, {whistle} BLAM, {whistle}, BLAM]

Extremely extreme. Notice how much extremer it got with two guns and the armed response to attempted oppression.
Then they include this gem.

Even when firearm use does not result in death, the injuries caused by firearm shots can be paralyzing, painful, and may immobilize a person for a much longer period of time than would other methods of temporary immobilization.

OUCH, getting shot hurts! Do these buffoons realize many of the people they are ticking off happen to own these firearms capable of inflicting said injuries and lengthy immobilizations? I’m guessing, probably not.
Anyway, I might be personally concerned, if this load of crap were coming from anywhere besides the U.N.


  1. I have this theory that the UN is intentionally trying to make themselves less and less effective and relevant. Pretty much their entire purpose is to get everyone together and establish international agreements…which are never enforced. It amazes me how often they can unanimously decide on a resolution and then when it comes time for action, they step back with their hands up and say “Whoa, whoa, we were just bluffing, go ahead and keep defying the civilized world all you want.” Now they toss in “Defending yourself is bad, mmkay?”
    Now, I’m not sure what the dark, secret goal of this self-neutering is, but it’ll probably be a whole lot of nefarious talk with little to no nefarious action.

  2. when the UN ‘tards start worrying about islamonazis and their guns and rockets and bombs …. I might think they have some cognitive ability. Until then, I will continue to consider anything that comes out of Turtle Bay as satire and humour.

  3. The U.N. does not care about anyone except the U.N. To encourage guns might mean some their most (puke) respected members could lose their jobs if they continue to rule the way they have. Then what would they do for a living, become reporters?

  4. //Stop oppressing me you postal lunatic! //
    LOL! I love when the UN says stuff. Makes for awesome funny articles like this one.
    Still, I’m pretty sure that there would still be funny stuff to enjoy around if there were no UN at all.
    kitty cats with yarn…3 year olds walking around with buckets on their heads…Minnesotans

  5. Wow, guns can hurt & maybe kill? I hope they get around to the topic of bomb vests and how they could possibly immobilize the wearer. Oh yeah, and the other people around said bomb vest wearer.
    Who else thinks that the UN’s Secretery General ought to immobilize himself? At least he’ll have done something useful for once…

  6. I once opened a knife package to find warnings that said, “knives can cut.” I haven’t bought a pistol lately, so I don’t know what kind of warnings they come with, but I could just imagine – “Guns are capable of causing minor or major damage to persons or property in or around your general vicinity, even if you can’t see them or are not aware that it can.”

  7. wait, hold up.
    Guns hurt people?
    when did this happen?
    I thought that anyone who is shot with a gun (or any weapon for that matter)slowly dematerializes or is respawned somewhere else in the world…
    are you tell me that THIS DOESNT HAPPEN!?
    ALL IS LOST!!!

  8. Bah! Capitalist swine! Must we show you how to do everything?!
    Just “imobilize” the United Nations and be done with it!
    (And if they keep twitching… re-“imobilize” them until they stop.)

  9. I think the UN is attempting to be the “other superpower” to keep the US from “imposing” it’s freedom agenda on all of the poor, little dictator-run countries out there.
    What can we do? If you haven’t already, join the NRA. If you are already a member, become a life member. They have been all over this UN gun-grab plan for months.
    And, put a sign in your yard stating “Intruders will be shot – Survivors will be shot again.” It may be useful to add another stating “Wearing a blue helmet on this property is considered a hostile act.”

  10. The Third reason I own a gun is because I Love saying ” Excuse Me While I Whip this out “.
    The Second reason I own a Gun is to hurt someone or thing.
    The FIRST reason I own a gun is, is, is…
    Well lets cut the crap, I can and will shoot first if I feel threatend, Just cause its your pet doesn’t mean I cant eat it.

  11. My first thought on reading the above was, the UN is headquartered in New York City right? These folks have to travel from their guard protected high rises to work most days, right? Some of them must have to ride in bullet proof limos, right? You would think that these people not only would welcome firearms, they’d be some of the first people in line to get them.
    I must be missing something.
    Oh yeah, now I remember. The first thing any dictator does is grab all the weapons, isn’t that right Mr. Hitler? Saddam? Mr. Lenin or Stalin? (crickets chirping)
    “Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” ;0

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