“Vee have vays of making you cooperate.”

Harry Reid, champion of freedom of speech.


  1. Perhaps I am wrong– but I do not recall the Bush Administration people screaming “Bloody Murder!!” about ** Fahrenheit 911 **. Kind of indicates the kind of monkey faces we are dealing with. Eh?

  2. I think I have just stepped into Surrealland. Maybe I should just write ABC now and reserve my copy of the 2 DVD boxed set – the “Director’s Cut” and the “Clinton wasn’t busy with interns” edition (autographed by Sandy “Burgler”). These people cannot have it both ways. For the ‘critics’ in the senate, just remember – no one’s ever built an American monument to a critic. Perhaps next time they’ll remember not to throw stones in the greenhouse, eh?

  3. Update!!!!! The writer of the film has just been interviewed on KFI 640 in Los Angeles with Jon Zeigler. He says Path to 9/11 will still air. Let us hope he’s right. It gets darker however. The jackboots have started marching folks. The writer’s home address has apparently been published on the net, along with “suggestions” for some to take action against him. Has anyone else heard anything about it? Even better – if you go to http://www.pathto911.com, the site has been redirected to the Democratic Party homepage. A nice petition is there too. Beautiful. While Mr.Reid is busy trying to rewrite history and the constitution, I’m going to find more blogs to post this at. It’s high time to knock these people off the high horse and scream, “Out, out! Out, you demons of stupidity!!!!!” Who made it thier right to determine what the rest of the nation can see? Who decided that the rest of us couldn’t watch and make up our own minds? Have they gone compeletely evil, or have they just completely lost their minds?
    I’m done with these people. It is as much our right to objectively decide on an issue and whether to disagree with them just as it is thier ‘right’ to disagree with anyone else.
    Sometimes, the best way to counter crushing, ruthless, unadulterated evil is to simply be more crushing and ruthless. Who’s with me?
    As that recovering alcoholic, sometimes anti-semitic, but always a load of fun actor once said, “Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you’ll live… at least for a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEEEDDOOMMMM!”
    Man the keyboards you chickenhawks!!! Warm it up and give them all you got!!! You wanna live forever?!?!?!?!?!

  4. I just think it’s funny that Reid stated in a news conference that it was suspicious that Bush wanted to move detainees to Gitmo & try known terrorist operatives just before the November elections. He did omit the timing to coincide with the 5th anniversary of 9/11.
    What better way for a ‘tard to detract attention from a horrible event in our history that was a direct result of the clintonite apathetic approach to national security and attempt to redirect it to underhanded mudslingimg that is the hallmark of democratic campaign tactics.
    He truly is a Democrat: being a man just isn’t his forte.

  5. I agree with you all. It is hilarious how they shouted out with glee over Fakenhype 911, but now that the shoe is on the other foot they get a sudden case of toe rot. Freedom of speech is obviously a right reserved for liberals. Like the Toronto film festival, “Death of a President” (assassination of Bush) should be judged on it’s artistic merits, but the ABC mini-series must be censored. These lib buffoons continue to make caricatures of themselves. As Chef would say, “Fudge them!”

  6. What I sent:
    ————-start text—————
    your subject dropdown did not have the catagory “Freedom” as in freedom of speech. Given your facist tactics (threatening ABC) I can see why.
    I have no issue with you practicing your right of free speech and lashing out against the movie. However, your actions show how far you REALLY believe in the Bill of Rights: Plenty for me, but none for thee.
    You are a thug and a disgrace.
    ———–End Text————————

  7. Here’s what I sent Harry:
    I am absolutely incensed at you and the rest of the Democrats’ actions toward Disney/ABC regarding the “Path to 9/11”.
    What’s next? A trot through the local library to burn books?
    You should be ashamed.

  8. Here is what I sent that excuse for natural recources.
    Dear Sir,
    In regards of your protest of ABC’s “Plot To 9/11” miniseries; POT, KETTLE, BLACK. You Democratic Politicians are always railing against Bush for getting rid of Civil Liberties, while you whine about a miniseries? I am ashamed fools like you are representing a state. I guess free speech only matters to those to agree with you.
    Never a Fan

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