Waterboarding USA

To show what the horror of waterboarding, Andrew Sullivan turned to a clip from the scifi show The 4400. Unfortunately, the government stepped in to keep him from revealing the truth.
Last night on The O’Reilly Factor, though, ABC investigative reporter Brian Ross gave exclusive details on who the CIA has used waterboarding on and what information was gained and who broke down crying like a little girl. Reportedly, an attack against a huge target was thwarted from information got by waterboarding Khaled Sheikh Mohammed.
So, people like Sullivan have to ask themselves how many lives saved justify waterboarding Al Qaeda terrorists. The answer for me is .005 people; if waterboarding KSM might save one person from skinning his knee, I’m all for it.
Anyway, make sure to watch this important video over at Hot Air.
Other Interesting Hot Air Videos:
* If you want a journalist to stand up to a dictator, have the dictator question his journalistic integrity. Watch Anderson Cooper zing Ama-dibble-dooble-dibber in an interview.
* Glenn Beck was right; we’re going to get nuked.


  1. I mean, is it just me or was Andrew Sullivan trying to suggest that somehow the evil Bush administration was responsible for YouTube pulling his illegal use of copyrighted material?
    How would Andrew respond if I took his lunatic rantings and passed them off as my own. Strike that, who you be dumb enough to do that

  2. Is it just me, or does little Axma-whatshisname remind anyone else of John Kerry? You ask him a perfectly simple question, and he answers a totally different question. Maybe they both use the same rhetoric coach.

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