We support Michelle, Our Favorite Wild Girl

Is Michelle Malkin guilty of being a Girl Gone Wild hypocrite? In coming to a decision, I decided to use a “holistic” approach. But since Michelle isn’t black, I can only assume she is guilty as charged.
For those of you who haven’t yet read about this, Michelle is being smeared by the lefties for her ‘past’ in which she engaged in Girl Gone Wild behavior. They even have “proof” in the form of some Photoshops.
I’m glad this is happening. When it comes to all the evil in the world it’s important that we not lose sight of the greatest evil of all: Conservative Bloggers.
Unfortunately, Michelle Malkin is not mass murderer, otherwise, liberals would believe in the idea that Michelle might have changed. Maybe Mrs. Malkin could write a children’s book–.
BTW, I did my own research and Michelle’s past is certainly one that should give her shame. Let me share with you some very disturbing pictures.

Many of you thought that it was Janet Jackson who was involved in the ‘wardrobe malfunction.’ Not true. The country was probably too enthralled by Justin’s hair to pay full attention to the girl on the stage. Michelle bared her boob and thus brought shame to conservatives everywhere.

Here’s Michelle at her “debate club meeting.” Notice how it looks like she doesn’t even CARE about her homework. This most definitely sets a bad example.

Here’s Michelle with an even greater sense of Girls Gone Wild. She not one wild girl. She’s THREE of them.

And finally all I can say is, “Et Tu, Michelle. Et Tu?”


  1. The Monica beret on the second to last is a nice touch. Although most look to be scaled like a high school football mascot. MM complains that Charlotte Church makes her money off a squeeky clean image then goes antichristian-skank-dixie chick in really stupid and offensive ways, so someone supposedly digs up a pic of her in a swimsuit and equivocates. Welcome to the left.

  2. you guys lay off Michelle! she is the object of my desire…secretly of course and my wife doesn’t know about it but Michelle wants me and that’s good enough for me! no…she really does…

  3. yoo dum stooopids! even monkeu lyk me not fall four Roooterlike fotoshop!! yu all dumm jooooos! that piktchers not mishell!! she not bee three plases at wunce like stufff in sandie burger’s pantz!!!!
    munkeys make fatwa on you dummi joooos!

  4. Michele, there is only one way to fight this, you’ve got to have a glam shot done in a bikini and put it up on your site. I can guarantee it will show up all over the world in no time, and the Wonkettes can take a dirt nap. (Plus, I can put it up on my Wall of Fame in my music room!)

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