What Happened to E.D. Hill?

As the Official Girl of IMAO, I have the express responsibility of asking the question: why was E.D. Hill moved to Fox News Live from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.?
And why was there no big farewell to E.D. on Fox & Friends (nevermind that you have to do a stinking google search to even find E.D.’s bio on the Fox site)? It makes me think that Brian threw a big hissy fit or something and they didn’t want a big farewell, or E.D. didn’t even know she was moving to FNL. E.D.’s bio was updated as of Friday. She is officially the anchor of Fox News live 10 to noon. BTW, there was a big smirk on Steve’s face when E.D. threw it to him for the weather for the first time during FNL. Almost like, “Hey, E.D., how ya doin’? You and I know why this is crazy, but we can’t tell.” And E.D. did not smirk back in kind. So my theory is still that Brian threw a hissy fit. That’s my official rumor that I’m starting.
And Gretchen Carlson is officially the new Fox & Friends girl. My only official opinion on this replacement is this: She’s been with Fox News for like 5 minutes (a little over a year). She’s too cutesy and nice for my taste. I just don’t see her being opinionated and mean enough to suit me. E.D. has opinions and explodes like a big Roman candle, and Gretchen seems like she’ll just sit there and look pretty. And what’s wrong with all the pretty girls who have been at Fox for so much longer, biding their time and waiting for E.D. to have so many babies that she just couldn’t work anymore? Lauren Green, Juliet Huddy, even that liberal Kiran Chetry. But Gretchen Carlson? I’m sorry, but her demeanor makes me yawn. Not something you want from a wake up show.
Poor E.D. She’s trying so hard to look happy today. Well, E.D., I would have picked you over Brian. And even Steve (who’s the only Friend to ever answer my emails).
UPDATE: while I’m on the subject of really bad Fox moves, I abhor the new layout of the Fox website. It’s disorganized, ugly, bland, and disjointed. Change for the sake of change is stupid.


  1. I thought I was on some offshoot Fox site by mistake when I went there. Blah! The old site worked better and was pretty. The bright colors made me happy – to balance my anger at the actual news content.

  2. Sarah, you’re right. It is obvious something is going on. I discussed this in detail with Frank and we both agree that a mud wrestling contest between the two is the only fair way it can be decided if E.D. returns to her spot or remains in her current slot. Perhaps this could be a follow up to the Chris Wallace/Bill Clinton rematch.

  3. So Edie got the ole’ “don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you” from the boys and now you girls are out for blood? Personally, I can’t stand Fox & Friends! I am very conservative but c’mon–nobody is THAT perky in the morning! I watch IMUS on MSNBC, yea he’s an old panty wearing liberal but he’s way more entertaining that anything FOX has on these days.

  4. The last time I saw Fox’s morning show, I was very impressed by E.D. She seemed like a person instead of a news bimbo. I’m disappointed in Fox but this is not the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. One of the reason it(Fox) took so long to catch on was it’s inability to be consistent.
    If Fox was looking for someone to replace E.D. who actually has an opinion they could have done a better job. I understand Star Jones is unemployed. I’ll bet even the Daily Kos would watch Fox then. They could have killed two politically correct birds with one stone by hiring an Africian American and a female.
    But then the “boys” would have to do something besides posture and preen, and make smart mouthed remarks that make them look like 13 year olds.
    They are actually the reason I don’t watch Fox in the morning. I don’t watch any news shows in the morning as they all make me furious. Not a good way to start the day.

  5. I’ve lived in Richmond, VA, for 25 years and vividly remember Ms. Carlson. She was funny, pretty and a bit of a homewrecker; she had an affair with a local married sports anchor. I haven’t really been a fan since. But hey, that’s just me.

  6. Gretchen Carlson had an affair? I haven’t been able to watch Fox in a while, but I thought that they had hired the former Miss America (1989) from Anoka, Minnesota. I thought she had gone into broadcasting and the description of her personality as being overly nice and sweet would fit, but an affair with a married man??? BTW, Lauren Green (also from the Twin Cities) would have been an excellent choice if E.D. really did have to move to another show.

  7. Hm. I LIKE Fox’s new web format much better than the old one. It’s crisper, cleaner, and laid out MUCH better, imo. I don’t like lots of bells and whistles or lots of colors and flashy thingies on web sites.

  8. First, the new FNC website makes it much harder to actually find the NEWS. Which is funny, since the last I new, the “N” in FNC actually stood for NEWS. What a concept.
    As part of that issue with finding the news, it seems like there are even MORE ads than usual on their site, or is it just me that thinks that?
    And as for the E.D. situation – I say (and I just said this on your blog sarahk, but I figured I’d put it here too) give E.D. her OWN SHOW. Something where the tough questions get asked and no one goes home until she gets an answer. I like the fact that she can be so tenacious (sp?) when she gets really into a topic. We need more like her not less of her.

  9. Moving E.D. Hill was a huge error by FOX, which has already been noted here ad infinitum. The reason is, in part, she is the closest thing to a real conservative on any early morning, daytime, evening or night-time show on cable. Name ONE real conservative on cable today who is hosting or co-hosting a show…I second the motion for E.D. to get her own show, but the idea of having a Michael Savage (unbridled) as news show host or as any other tv show host would scare 99.9% of tv execs. They worry about sponsors and all that. Yet, E.D. with her own show where she can select her own, brillaint conservative guests (patriots like Glenn Spencer, Jerome Corsi, Lawrence Auster and D.A. King) would be tremedously successful. The Bushies and Libs would be red with envy! Don’t forget…While Kilmeade babbles on incessantly about his love for Rudi or McCain in ’08, E.D. is concentrating her eye on the Invasion by Mexico. I agree that Kilmeade probably had a hand in E.D.’s departure.

  10. I have noticed that E.D. Hill has missed quite a lot of work since the births of her last two children. That might have something to do with the reason the network decided to move her to a later time slot.
    It must be nice to work part-time and get paid big bucks.

  11. Darn I am behind the times with all this busines travel. I even fantasized that I had a part in ED’s removal. The day I left for my last trip I wrote Fox and Friends and asked them to make ED stop yelling in the morning. I love Fox but felt like I had my ex wife screaming at me whenever she went into her fake hissy fits.
    I also asked them why she had such a hard time brushing her hair. She typically looked like she had combed her hair with a pillow. It just bugged me that she is getting paid all this money, was always taking time off and always had messed up hair. I did say to them maybe her hairstylist secretly hated her maybe that was her malfunction.
    Anyone remember or notice when ED came back off her skiing vacation earlier in the year and had a reverse racoon face? Her lower face was dark tan and area of cheeks and around eyes were not tan from wearing ski goggles? I mean come on you get paid umpteen millions a year and you can’t ensure you don’t racoon your face on vacation?
    I know you good people are blaming Brian but I bet ED is gone for the kind of behavior, as catty as it sounds, that I listed. She pretty much never did the F&F First, was always on vacation, was a screeching mess and started showing her wear and tear. News on TV is a rough business and if you start to look like everyman’s howling ex wife on a bender AND follow that up with Diva behaviors you are done.
    My next most hated thing F&F does is selling their books. I mean come on do you see any other News Channel turning the show into QVC for 5 minutes?
    I know it doesn’t sound like it but I do love fox I just want it to fix a few things 🙂
    My .02 cents your mileage may vary.
    PS Julian Philips was gone the weekend after I wrote an email about him. Perhaps i am Fox’s secret program director lol Forgive me it is early and have only had 2 sips of coffee.

  12. yes, it’s much better to have someone with no personality like Gretchen bring the morning news. she’s even trying these days to look like she has emotions, but when she tries to make facial expressions, they’re just so forced.
    the least Fox could have done was replaced E.D. with Lauren Green or Kiran Chetry.

  13. I would just like to know what happened. I love E.D. but lately wished she would stick the hard line for the news and not Brian. I felt like she had an issue. And I also felt like she was only there part time. Still I hate they moved her and do not feel Gretchen is doing the job this morning show needs.

  14. Cannot believe that they let E.D go from F&F!!! She is definitely the reason I enjoy F&F so much. Now it’s just not really worth my time. Still hoping the PTB realize this and correct their HUGE mistake.

  15. I have also been wondering about E.D. I will have to catch her later. I wondered if she made someone mad with an interview, since she is tough. Brian totally blew an interview with the congresswoman concerning the having IDs to vote. I also don’t like the way they are sitting in bar stools, and then feel the need to walk and stand around now. Didn’t they make fun of Katie C about that a few weeks ago?

  16. I have been a loyal Fox and Friends viewer for years. It makes me feel good to see all the well placed talent in their roles on camera. I love E.D. because she is smart, fast, and funny. And not bad to look at too. Brian has his adorable momemts along with Steve. It just seemed like a perfect family to me. Now all that chemistry is gone. I feel like I got a divorce and no-one bothered to tell me. Gretchen is a mannequin. Steve is straining to be funny and poor Brian is just goofy now. If they were to get rid of anyone why didn’t they axe Mancow? He gets the MUTE button the minute he comes on in my house.
    Fox & Friends should be renamed. I don’t see the friendly part anymore. I would have loved to see Kiren Chetry or Juliet Huddy in E.D.’s place instead of Gretchen.
    By the way, I hear E.D. may be offered a slot on The View.
    The bad thing is….now what am I going to watch in the mornings when I get ready for work? Fox, you blew it.

  17. Fox and Friends isjust not the same without E.D. My wife and I are not happy with this move and F&F need to recover from this move or loose viewers – of whom I am about to become one. Steve and Brian are ligthweights next to her. Plus, to dismiss her without so much as an a goodby or an explanation to the viewers is just plain bad business! If anyone had to leave why not Brian? Replace him with “the Judge” – or better yet, with E. D.

  18. I am stunned that E.D. Hill is gone from the show, let alone fired. Although Steve and Brian are a genuine treat, ED Hill brought it all together and made it the great show that it was. This was a HUGE mistake.
    ED is easily one of the brightest and most capable anchors I have had the pleasure to watch over 50 years of watching the tube. She was brilliant in her role: funny, witty, sharp as a tack and could turn on a dime. I always looked forward to her presence on the show. I have nothing but admiration for her — in her role as “Fox & Friends”host, and as a parent of 8 children.
    What a disappointment. And I only started watching the show about 6 months ago. I am saddened beyond words.
    While Gretchen Carlson is competent, she lacks the edge and spice of ED. When Alyson Camerota — another bright light on the show — goes on maternity leave, I will turn the channel.
    FOX has made a terrible blunder!
    Mark Rothschild
    Los Angeles

  19. ” while I’m on the subject of really bad Fox moves, I abhor the new layout of the Fox website. It’s disorganized, ugly, bland, and disjointed. Change for the sake of change is stupid”
    CORRECT! and … the new graphics for the Fox & Friends show is equally bad. Since when is John Deere (farm equipment) green and yellow a good look? Plus they introduced serif type face to a modern show that should only use sans serif.
    Your comment about change for the sake of change is right on. The new colors and type face are ghastly. Yuck!

  20. I am SO glad to find ED fired!!!
    I was beginning to switch to CNN for
    my morning news and that is CRUEL.
    She and Brian were really getting on
    my nerves. If I want to see a morning
    fight instead of news I’ll watch a
    comic program.
    Thank you F&F.
    Martha Burger..Charlottesville. VA

  21. The show has been awful lately. They all bother me on occasion but Steve and Brian have been especially immature lately. And I get it- they want to sell their books- but come’on enough is enough. There is a reason that they acquired such a large base of viewers and it wasn’t by putting on such an awful show day after day. They need to do something, fast. In my opinion, drop Steve, Brian, and Gretchen.

  22. We hate Fox & Friends without E.D. I can’t stand Gretchen
    (and it’s not because she tries to be so cutesy and nice either!)
    Why didn’t they give the spot to Kiran or Alyssen instead?
    They are much better hosts AND have been around Fox long
    enough to have a stable audience base.
    We now flip channels in the morning instead of watching Fox & Friends.

  23. same here. Frank still has it on until he leaves, and then I turn it to the Daily Show, which i don’t really care for. all i do is yell at the screen every time Gretchen speaks. this morning Kiran did the news instead of Lauren Green. i wonder if they’re auditioning her for Gretchen’s spot, or if they decided that replacing Lauren was the next “good” move. also, Brian was acting very subdued while doing his stupid monkey stunts this morning. trying not to smile. maybe Fox is getting the point that everybody hates the big shakeup of the show, and all the new “Friends” are on notice that the show is in trouble?
    most of us would prefer to have E.D. back, but arrogance and pride of the producers will probably keep that from happening. and if i were E.D., i’d tell TPTB to shove it before going back to F&F. anyway, if we can’t have E.D. back, i’d prefer Kiran as the replacement for Gretchen.
    BUT NOT FOR LAUREN! But Lauren’s only been with the station for 10 years, so why should the station be a little loyal?
    i guess now we wait to see what Fox’s next stupid move is. meanwhile, i don’t watch. i only see it while Frank is here, and i do my best to ignore it. he doesn’t like it either (or Gretchen), but he likes background noise.

  24. What a big mistake letting ED Hill go. For 2 weeks we’ve been wondering where she went. The least they could have done was tell the viewers. I looked forward to her every morning, but I did wonder how she took so much time off. Was her new job a promotion or demotion? I don’t like her replacement and I think Lauren Green has to much class for Brian.

  25. This note came to me from E.D Hill after I wrote her a short e-mail…
    “Thank you so much for your kind note. I hope you are able to watch the new program I was moved to from 10:30-11:30 ET. I also appreciate your interest in Fox and Friends and would like to encourage you to mail a short note to the head of our channel.
    Roger Ailes
    1211 6th Ave.
    NY NY 10036
    Thank you again-E.D.”
    I wrote a letter .. you can too!

  26. I, too, liked the old crew on F&F and thought that loyal viewers deserved some notice and explanation re: the change. I don’t think that the new show is bad, though, and I DO like Brian. He cracks me up! Gretchen is okay, but they haven’t had time yet to develop that “group” feel. As it stands now, there is no way I’ll stop watching the show….I have to have my morning news fix, so where would I go? To CNN????? NEVER!!! Unless they put Kieran and Alison together!!!! Do you ever try to watch on the weekend when those two SCREAM and talk over each other constantly?? That drives me crazy! I just can’t watch it.

  27. Why is it necessary to have 2 men and 1 woman in the mornings? Why not 2 women and 1 man? I like John Scott for the man, with E.D. Hill and either Lauren, Keiran or Juliette for the other woman (…WOMEN CAN DO WEATHER AND SPORTS…) Don’t give me Mike at all and don’t give me Gretchen…..Because of her, I now no longer watch in the mornings…and I definitely don’t watch when Mike is on. Not a good way to start the day, anyway.

  28. I am so sick of Fox & Friends. Brian I’ve always thought of as a bit of a light weight in the brains dept., yet he was good for the ocassional laugh. Steve was my favorite, but the book hawking has been so constant, and annoying, that I find him unwatchable, and unlikable. And Gretchen, from day one acted stupid. She went on about how she steals food from the office fridge, so she gave Brian $1 in advance, and she gave Steve a packet of oatmeal. So cheesy, and definitely not entertaining, or compelling. The chemistry is gone with this crew. I think Allison would be a great replacement, but with the baby on the way, it’s bad timing. But hey, they dumped Julian, so maybe Gretchen is not far from that fate as well.

  29. I miss E.D.!!! This morning crew chemistry is SO BORING! At least E.D. had courage to say what she thought, which everyone respected even if they vehemently disagreed. She was politically INCORRECT, which Americans LOVE! (unless you’re on the left). My husband and I both hate the new show and we’ve actually tuned in to CNN a few times in frustration. Fox, you messed this one up!

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