Where’s Osama?

It’s been five years since the attacks of 9/11, so where is Osama bin Laden? Five years ago, he helped orchestrate a large-scale terrorist attack on US soil, and today we don’t even get some threatening video. We expected more from a “terror mastermind.” It seems the only thing he aspires to today is to die alone in a cave instead of in a US prison.
So, was it worth it, Osama?


  1. When my kids were little, they were entertained by the Where’s Waldo books and the computer game Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego. Those children are now becoming adults. They should be quite adept in playing the Where’s Osama game. The only difference is that when this game ends, so does he. What a delightful thought.

  2. I hope the bastard’s dead, but I have this sneaking suspicion that he’s living in Dearborn, MI on a student visa he got several months after the attacks. Probably under the name Bob bin-Laden, or Osama bin-Smith, or something.

  3. Thanks, Frank, for this post. It make me laugh, and I am eternally grateful for your sense of perspective and rationality. Too many (strangely, even on the Left) are condemning the government for not doing enough to take Osama down. There’s not much more down he can get now. We have bigger fish to fry.
    You rock, Frank.

  4. I just question why a dumbass who’s reported to be worth billions can’t afford a tape recorder or video camera that can make a legible recording. Those ones released on Al-Jazeera sound like they were recorded in a men’s room through a walkie-talkie.

  5. The problem with his recordings, Bob, is that Osama bought all his equipment from one of those “Going out of Business” stores run by Middle Eastern men in Times Square a few weeks before the attack.
    Everyone knows those people sell cheap, knockoff crap with phony name brands on them, the crooks.
    (Personally, Osama is so cheap, I think he may really be a JOOO.)
    Wow, two stereotypes in one post!

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