Wiki! Wiki! Wiki!

Shout it loud really fast; it’s fun!
Anyway, Wikipedia is a site I use on a nearly daily basis run by dumb goobers who don’t think my blog is notable. One great thing about Wikipedia, though, is that its founder is not caving to Chinese censorship – unlike about every other big website and tech company out there.
Since I’m not sure Wikipedia actually makes money, I don’t know if finances were actually at stake, but it’s nice to see at least one company stand up to the ChiComs and tell them if, they want to allow their citizens access to any information, they have to allow them access to it all.
Also, I found through a link on Instapundit yesterday a paper on a peer-reviewed journal about the accuracy of Wikipedia. It’s name? “Puppy smoothies: Improving the reliability of open, collaborative wikis”. Guess what that’s about.
Hey, since I inspired the name of a peer-reviewed paper about Wikipedia, can I have my article now?


  1. Dr. Phat Tony,
    They have a part about him being called “Insta-cracker”, so I don’t know why someone couldn’t add a line about how many people call him “puppy blender” if proper citation was added.
    I’m not much of a Wiki person; I only make minor edits in articles I encounter.

  2. ChiComs
    Hey now. Chicago’s Democrats aren’t that leftist.
    Good point. It is nice to see Wikipedia stand up against censorship. Although this is likely because unlike Google, Wikipedia doesn’t exist to make a profit.
    IMAO should totally have its own entry.

  3. I don’t understand. Why don’t the Chi-coms do like everyone else and plant their propaganda in the wiki?
    Free Trade: you buy our crap, we no hurt you
    I use wikipedia because it is always there at the top of my search. However, I found negative comments inserted in the bio of Sheriff Joe Arpaio
    Finding devious negative comments about a guy who makes male inmates wear pink underwear, who created an all-female chain gang in the name of equality has made me suspicious of wikipedia..
    The Chinese shouldn’t fight it. Soon even they will not know truth from fiction.
    You have a nice site

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