A B Thee Ya!

Q: So, what will happen now that the chat ABC posted on its web site turns out to have been between ex-Congressman Mark Foley and a then 18-year old, thus making that disturbing chat between two consenting male adults?

Continue reading ‘A B Thee Ya!’ »

What a Stupid Wop Dago!

The controversy of that guinea Justice Scalia equating Mexican alcohol with tequila is picking up steam. I noticed that Kos had picked up on it and he and his minions have worked themselves up in a leftarded fury, but it’s also going mainstream. Will this be enough to finally sink that goomba Scalia and keep him and his greasy hair out of the Supreme Court? Well, I know I won’t vote for him next year.
Full Disclosure: I’m a quarter dago.

White and Nerdy

This music video is hilarious and deserves linkage just for what he buys in the back alley at the end. I’ve heard of that but never seen it; have any of you?

What IMAO Stands For

The new IMAO Newsletter has been submitted. The way it works, it will be sent out late tonight (after 3am), so you’ll probably get it tomorrow morning. If you signed up and don’t have it in your inbox tomorrow morning, tell me here in the comments.
This newsletter will have the final answer to what IMAO stands for (no joke) plus updates on other stuff. You still have time to sign up to get it at the IMAO Store.

Exclusive! Must Credit IMAO!!

IMAO has accidentally intercepted an email detailing the plans for the new U.S. Border Fence. Since the email is confidential and important to national security, and since IMAO believes IMAO to be an alcoholic and therefore has no control over our actions, we are printing the confidential email anyway. In the interest of … um … something or other.

Continue reading ‘Exclusive! Must Credit IMAO!!’ »

For All Your Grip Needs

At IMAO.com, there used to be a Japanese manufacturer of grips and handles. I don’t know what happened to it, but now IMAO.com is some weird site made to get traffic by people who are meaning to come here but put the “.com” instead of the “.us” after IMAO. Whoever bought that URL had to bid for it with like forty others; kinda flattering actually.
Anyway, apparently other people are looking for the Japanese company IMAO, because we sometimes get e-mails like this:

I have an item to be listed in our internal catalog.
Can you please verify that the following item information is correct?
Manufacturer name Part # Description
IMAO PG90N-15 Grip
Please advise

So I responded:

These are our only products with grips:
Also in larger versions based on your needs:

Maybe I can make a sale.
BTW, the person looking for IMAO grips probably ran into the phoney site we set up in 2005 as an April Fools joke (it replaced the regular IMAO main page for most of the day). You can still see that here (make sure to check out its FAQ).

In My World: The Gay Menace

Bush looked at the proposal for the new 700 mile wall to be built on the Mexican border. “We’re going to have to drive by a lot of Home Depots to find enough day laborers to build this thing.”
Cheney then came into the Oval Office and turned the TV on. “You have to see the new DNC ad.”
A black and white picture of Mark Foley appeared on screen. “The Republicans is the party of pedophilia,” an announcer said.
Gerry Studds appeared on screen. “Back in 1983, I was caught having sex with a 17 year-old male page, and the Democrats censured me. That taught me my lesson for the numerous terms in the House I served afterwards. One thing I never did, though, was e-mail or chat online with that page; that’s just sick. All the Republican leadership should resign over that.”
Mel Reynolds appeared on screen. “As a Congressman, I was involved with a 16-year-old campaign volunteer. In, 1995 I was convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. I then was convicted for bank fraud, furthering my spiral of decline. Luckily, Bill Clinton pardoned me, helping me with the healing process. Why hasn’t George W. Bush pardoned Mark Foley? Is it because President Bush approves of the behavior?”
The announcer came back on. “The Democratic Party: Against buggering youths for almost a week now.”
Cheney turned the TV off. “The Democrats are really trying to make an issue of this. Frankly, it’s the only issue they’ve been able to come up with this year.”
Just then, Representative Barney Frank barged into the office with a young attractive woman at each side. Behind him came a Muslim imam. “It has come to our attention that there are hidden gays in the Republican party, and, as we know, they are preying on children. Thus, the Democratic party has taken it upon itself to ferret out any gays in office for the public’s safety.”
“Huh? Wasn’t a gay prostitution ring once run out of your apartment?” Bush asked.
“What! That’s ridiculous!” Barney Frank exclaimed. “I’m as straight as they come.” He looked to his two floozies. “Isn’t that right Starla and Bambi.”
“Barney Frank is more man than we can handle,” Starla said.
“He’s so much man it’s scary,” Bambi said.
“He’s so manly that he sleeps with other men and…”
“That’s enough,” Barney Frank interrupted. “Anyway, we’re going to locate all the gay menace in the Republican Party, and, in a show of religious diversity, we’re going to handle them in the traditional Islamic way.”
“We’ll collapse a wall on them,” the imam said.
“It’s in the Koran,” Barney Frank added, “or, at least, I think it is. Religious books tend to be kinda long, you know?”
Bush noticed a boy standing near the imam. “Is that your assistant?” Bush asked the imam.
“He’s just someone I keep with me!” the imam answered quickly.
Barney Frank then pointed at Bush in an accusatory way. “Isn’t it true you had a drinking problem!”
“Well… yeah. So I quite drinking.”
“Was it because the drinking caused you to lust after young boys like it did Mark Foley?” Barney Frank exclaimed.
“No! That’s crazy!”
The imam then ran up towards Bush. “Admit your homosexual desires! Isn’t it true that you’re so disgusted by the sight of women that you want to dress them all up like frumpy ninjas?”
“Only Nancy Pelosi!” Bush then thought for a moment. “Wait, what are you talking about?”
“Can you idiots get out of here?” Cheney snarled.
Barney Frank walked over to Cheney. “This questioning would make you uncomfortable, wouldn’t it? As both John Edwards and John Kerry tactfully pointed out in the 2004 debates, your daughter is a lesbian. As we all know, gayness is genetic. Thus, you’re gay!”
The imam ran up to Cheney. “You have the characteristic snarl of a gay pedophile! Admit you’re gay and accept your punishment!”
The imam was then blasted in the face with a shotgun, surprising no one.
“You peppered my imam with a salt shell!” Barney Frank yelled. “That’s wrong on so many levels!”
Cheney chambered another round. “Yet it felt so right. Now get your trash out of here!”
“Yeah! Get out of here, you gay-bashing homos!” Bush said. “You and the Democratic Party may hate gays, Barney Frank, but we love them.”
After Barney Frank dragged the imam out of the room, Bush turned to Cheney. “We do love gays, right?”
Cheney shook his head.
“Aww! Everything is so confusing now!”

“The Democrats continue their search to ferret out the gay menace within the Republican Party,” the news anchor said. “Gay Republicans are a danger to children, they say, and must all be located and locked up. They are also focusing on bloggers and blog readers, who, as commonly known, are all gay and like to molest children… except for Frank J. of IMAO.us who exudes so much masculinity with each letter he types that other men find him threatening.
“As part of our own reporting, we sent a reporter and camera crew to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s house to question him on whether he is gay.” The anchorman bowed his head solemnly. “There were no survivors.”
Bush turned from the TV to Condoleezza Rice. “We can’t let the Democrats control this issue. I want you to stop work on the blood test for detecting cylons and instead make a blood test for detecting the gays infiltrating our society. We need to stop them and their sympathizers!”
“Okay, I guess,” Condi said. “I was just humoring you with the cylon test anyway.”
“And we’ll need humor when the gays finally attack, coming at us in their gay planes and gay tanks and shooting at us with their gay bullets.”
Condi frowned. “I think you might be getting a little carried away.”
Bush hung his head. “You’re right. I even collapsed a wall on Senator Frist today. After what he said sounded like he was suggesting we negotiate with the Taliban, I was sure he was infected with gay madness.” Bush spotted Tony Snow. “Hey, Snowman, I have a statement I want you to deliver to the press.”
“Sure. What is it?”
“I want it to be known that this homophobia is so gay. Anyone obsessed with it is a homo, and there’s nothing the Republicans hate more than homos!”
Tony thought about that. “I might phrase that differently.”

It’s Pathunny

I had never heard of the Daily Kos’s dKosopedia until someone pointed out that the entry about Gerry Studds was altered to reflect that Democrats now oppose the buggering of youths.
So what is the dKosopedia? I guess the regular Wikipedia wasn’t left-leaning enough and the muckadoos at Kos needed a research tool without the possibility of any facts that would offend their sensibilities being represented. In my short perusal of it, it’s one of the most pathetic/funny things I’ve ever seen (made more so by the fact that this is on the site of the most popular Democratic blog).
For Example:
George W. Bush: He “avoided the draft by enlisting in the Texas Air National Guard” – which I just thought was called “enlisting.” My dad enlisted in the Army during the Vietnam War to avoid the draft – does that make him a draft-dodger? Interestingly, who wrote the section on Bush’s military service felt the need to mention that, by the way, John Kerry served in Vietnam (though he wasn’t there anywhere near as long as my draft-dodging father).
Also, Bush’s “enrollment in Yale prevented a more deserving young man or woman from attending that elite university.” Probably saved the person money, too.
And did you know that “8 of 9 subsequent recounts showed Al Gore to have legitimately won Florida”? There’s no source on that one since I guess it’s just a well known fact.
Dick Cheney: Did you know he’s still getting a “$1,000,000 per year paycheck from Halliburton”. No, seriously, he is. Also, his heart condition can cause “insidious, difficult-to-recognize degradation of mental faculties.” Is this another case of the liberals not being able to decide between whether someone is dumb or an evil mastermind?
John Kerry: The entry is pretty long, yet never mentions the result of the 2004 presidential run. You tell us he won the Democratic primary, so why leave us in suspense on that?
The Draft (found linked on the dKosopedia main page): “Conscription is the coercive induction of individuals into military service. The target population for conscription is usually healthy young men of normal intelligence but states engaged in long wars often look to other populations for their cannon fodder: women, older men and adolescent boys, prison convicts, the mentally deficient, foreign residents and prisoners of war.” Just so you know what to expect when President Bush starts drafting people as we all know will happen soon.
Ad hominem: Strangely enough, they say that an ad hominem is bad and is a tactic of “Dittoheads.” You hear that, “Rape Gurney” Joe?
I’m not sure how well-maintained the dKosopedia is, but, if it is, it could give us a window into the mind of those who live in a loosely based on reality society.
If you feel like perusing the dKosopedia, put the funnier findings in the comments.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) What is the name of the duck that works at the nuclear power plant?
2) What item does Homer name “Stitchface”?
3) When Apu is fired from the Kwik-E-Mart, who takes over for him?
4) What is the activity of the first Junior Camper’s meeting Bart attends?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.