Fighting Flaming with Flaming

With so many Democrats now thinking they can score political points by outing Republicans, I think it’s time I start outing Democrats!
I would just like to mention that it now rumored (which is what comes before confirmed) that Senator Harry Reid is…


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Fun Trivia

What did Mark Foley remark when he found out he got exposed because of a prank some pages played on him?

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Good Political News

There’s a lot of scandal in the news now and it seems like there’s no one in politics worth rooting for, so I thought I might step back for a minute and look at what good political news is out there.
* Apparently, some of our politicians are more internet savvy than we thought.
* Since Democrats seem to support surveilance of gay Republicans, maybe than be convinced to also support surveilance of terrorists.
* The North Koreans playing with nuclear weapons could mean that problem may just suddenly take care of itself.
* Not liking either party means you have no worries when the election results come.
* If referring to “tequila” ranks as a scandal worth mention, then there’s probably about no actual racism left in this country.
* With all this media spotlight, Congress should be forced into action, meaning that the well-being of Congressional pages will be one less thing for us to worry about.
* Despite any problems in Iraq, there have been no threat of the country being taken over by North Korean Communists.
If you can think of other good political news, put it in the comments.

Time for Some Fun

Remember the Frank J. Fanclub and the e-mail list?
It’s been over two years, and I think it’s time for a continuation of our social experiment (or making the paranoid more paranoid, as I like to call it).
First I need to get an e-mail list of trusted people who want to join in on doing this venture; if we can’t keep secrecy, it will ruin the fun.
If you know what the purpose of this post was, e-mail me (frankj -at- with something in the subject line that indicates you know what I’m talking about (you will get an e-mail response from me). If you know others who would want to participate (and won’t squeal on us), tell them about this and have them e-mail me too.
When I have a big enough e-mail list together (we don’t want this too big), I’ll e-mail out instructions for the new game.
This should be a lot of fun.

President Bush Counters with Phony Barbra

bush talks.JPG
President Bush was informed by staffers that singer Barbra Streisand had hired an actor to portray the president during shows so she could hurl insults and smart remarks at him.
Today, President Bush launched his own Counter Barbra strategy, which unfortunately, was leaked to the New York Times weeks ago.
Said the President, “I felt the American people could benefit from seeing Barbra on stage with me during my Meet The People Who Are People outreach tour.” During one tour, President Bush invited the public to get close to the Barbra doll but there was little interest as her biggest fans were off having cybersex with underage pages.
Feedback from the general public has been mostly positive. “This version of Barbra is definitely more likeable and better looking. I think this will be good publicity for her.”

A Ducky Editorial – Supporting Mark Foley And His Kind

** An editorial by RightWingDuck **
I fully support Mark Foley and his desire to cyber-bang young boys. You wouldn’t expect that from me, but I’m more of a moderate, left of center right winger sometimes. And nowhere is that more obvious when it comes to fighting against the greatest evil we are facing in America — Age-ophobia.
Age-ophobia is where people are discriminated against just for being old. For this I blame the religious prudes who say that somehow an old man can’t become involved with a young man. Isn’t this discrimination? This young man can fool around with any other young man or woman. But if he wants to hang with an older guy suddenly it’s wrong? I say it should be fine as long as they both use protection. (For discussion: What does one use for safety during cybersex? Trojans? McAfee?)
Age is not a disease people. It’s natural. According to some scientific studies — and granted they are fairly limited — aging can be tied to one’s genetics.
I quote a Los Angeles preacher: “God loves all the old people. Even the wrinkled ones who can’t afford Botox.”
Personally, I’m not attracted to young men. Most young men these days dress exactly the way homeless vagrants would dress if they wore their pants down around their ankles. Some people find that atrractive. Some don’t. We’re all different.
So I say let the congressmen flirt with all the young people they want. In support of Mr. Mark Foley, former Congressman, I vow to not marry or have sex with any underage children until ALL of us can regardless of age or gender.
May God bless America.
** Disclaimer: IMAO does not condone cybersex or safe sex or premarital sex or smoking after sex. Condone sounds like a dirty word but ins’t. (“Hey, did you bring the condones?”) The views expressed in this editorial are not mean to be taken seriously unless you have a stick up your @ss. IMAO does not condone (hee hee) having sticks up your @ss. Not even if it’s only text talk.

Finally, some Middle East oil that Arabs don’t own

There’s an old joke that Moses was a fool because he settled the early Israelites in the only land in the Middle East that didn’t have any oil.
It turns out that there may be oil under Israel after all:

An Israeli company has discovered a small amount of oil at a drilling site near the Dead Sea, raising hopes that the Jewish state could one day join its regional neighbors as a petroleum producer.
Initial tests have found that the site would yield between 100 to 150 barrels daily, said Eli Tannenbaum, geologist for the Ginko oil exploration company. While this is minuscule by global standards – No. 1 producer Saudi Arabia produces 9 million barrels a day – Tannenbaum said there are signs that larger amounts of crude are nearby.

Finally, a source of oil that doesn’t fund terrorism or the bloated Alaskan social services bureaucracy.

The IMAO Newsletter

I guess you should have gotten the newsletter by now. If you signed up and didn’t get it, tell me in the comments and I’ll forward you a copy.
Make sure to check your spam box first.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) In 1998, TV Guide printed four different covers featuring the Simpsons
2) What real-life person said, “The nation needs to be closer to the Waltons than the Simpsons”?
3) What real-life boxing champion beats up Barney outside Moe’s?
4) What real-life US city had Bart Simpson Day declared on January 26, 1993?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.