Man, that Was an Awesome Episode of Battlestar Gallatica

So say we all?
The only part I disliked…

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Republicans, Democrats and 3 Dollar Bills
An Editorial By Spacemonkey

smart monkey As you know by now, Republicans are all completely gay. You, me, all of us. Queer as a proverbial three Euro note (or the regular one Euro note for that matter). Sweet as an all-month sucker. It’s a proven fact. Ask any Democrat and they will assure you that it is so. Try as we may like to deny it, the allegations speak for themselves loudly, openly and proudly. We just have to deal with it. I mean there are lists! With NAMES!
And once you get listed as a gay, there’s simply no unlisting. You don’t go back in the closet, unless you coordinate very well. Even then it’s just to get dressed for an outing of some sort. You just can’t unlick the cat, so to speak. You also can’t unwrestle the snake, though I think I may have coined that term right out of hand, so to speak.
The most stunning part of all this new queer reality or queerality is the idea that we must hate ourselves and not vote for our gay brethren and sistren any ‘mo for the simple fact of our mutual gaiety. But is our own undeniably fabulous gayness a sufficient reason to do as the liberals would have us to do? To do what used to seem unthinkable namely voting for a Democrat? Or staying home and not voting for fear of supporting one of “them” (you know, us)? No, of course not, don’t be such a fag.
The Democrats pushing this crap is like the pot calling the kettle FABULOUS!
We must put aside our self hate and focus on a return to our grassroots of hating all those who hate America. Namely the Democrats. We express our hate for them by keeping them out of office. And by logical extension, the terrorists. We can expressing our hate for them by keeping them from breathing. Who hated us when we were just Americans? Who hates us doubly more now that we are gays as well? I’ll tell you who. Democrats and terrorists. TerrorCrats if you will.
After all, these two groups have demonstrated an affinity for sucking up to each other for mutual benefit time after time and then they spit all over America. Bending over backward to show their sensitivity to each other’s needs and wants. They have formed a circle of trust and openly give each other a hand when a job needs doing to hurt America. What total slimy jerks!
No I tell you TerrorCrats are the real girly men and manly girls. I call on all Republicans to not fall for this “Stay at Homo this Election Day” business. Instead we all need to “Get out the vote! Dress Flamboyant But Vote Conservative!”
Spacemonkey is the author of such books as “We’re Here, We’re WHAT!!!?!? I can’t deal with that”, and “Gay as in Happy” and “The Secret to Staying Super Straight.”

DUer Gets Punked

Now this is funny.
And I would know, as, on occasion, I’ve been known to write something funny.

Fun Trivia

When would the nutroots be a huge threat to the Republicans?

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Nutroots! Now Is the Time to Focus All Your Energy Against Lieberman!

Lieberman has gained a 17 point lead in a recent poll, which just underscores how much the nutroots need to redouble their efforts to defeat Lieberman and get that guy… uh… not-Lieberman to win. Do I have to remind you how this is the most important election ever ever for the Democrats? Forget everything else and give all your time and money to defeat Lieberman! No other race matters! Lieberman once kissed George W. Bush! What a homo! He must be stopped!

Stupid Constitution

Glenn “Mmm… puppy” Reynolds early voted in Tennessee, and has a poll to guess who he voted for in the Senate race.
I’m guessing the third option. Too bad I’m three years too young if he’s trying to start a movement.
I hear Instapundit has been mentioned on Rush a lot this week, but I happened to miss it. Has anyone called in to tell Rush Limbaugh about Glenn’s evil smoothie habit so Rush will have more ammo against his new foe? If anyone disputes it, just tell him to Google it. On the internets, it’s an established fact!
Glenn has now revealed who he’s voted for. It wasn’t me.

Do the Nutroots Have a Plan for the Future?

PHASE 1: Get really angry.
PHASE 2: Help Democrats win the House and Senate.
PHASE 3: ???

I think the easiest way to understand the nutroots is to think of them as people who hate the Yankees. I’m using the Yankees since lots of people seem to hate them. Mind you, I don’t hate the Yankees as I feel a bit like a New Yorker myself. I spent a good part of my life in northern New Jersey where all my local news came from New York City, and every morning before school I got to find out whether alternate side parking was suspended – whatever that means. With this New York exposure, I naturally feel that the baseball team that spends the most money deserves to win.
Anyway, the nutroots hate the Yankees like many of you do and they love their local team. They really really want their local team to win, but, more importantly, they want the Yankees to lose. They feel this is extremely important for reasons they can’t quite comprehend enough to put into a coherent thought (they may throw the word “fascism” around, but that’s mainly a meaningless amplifier to them… much like a swear word).
Now, when the Yankees lost this season, were you happy? Many of you were.
But did you have a long term plan for after the Yankees lost?
And that’s the problem with the nutroots. They’re so concerned with winning and winning alone that they’ve reduced rooting for the Democrats and against the Republicans to rooting for one’s favorite sports team and against the most hated rival. As meaningless as sports wins are to the world at large, people can get convinced they’re very important. And, when those fans get what they desire, it’s cathartic for a short time– but that’s it. There’s nothing more after that.
So, what can we expect from the nutroots if the Dems win big in November? They’ll probably riot that night and burn things and knock over cars. Then they’ll just wait feverishly for the next election.


This is only a test.
If there were an actual Spacemonkey post, you would be groaning by now.

The Last Hours

I dunno; this GOP ad this late in the game reeks of desperation. Still, Kos’s feverish assertion that terrorist concerns will cause more people to vote Democrat is about as delusional as it gets (“Save us, fearsome Democrats! Your whining and your criticism of Bush is all that can stop Islamic terror!”).
Still, I am a partisan shill, so it is my duty to try and rescue the Republicans despite how much they deserve to drown. Their new ad combined with Superstar’s link to an old post of mine has opened up a huge fount of inspiration. Expect a cool new series from me starting Monday. I’m quite excited about it, and I hope my vagueness has excited you too.

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
All of the other IMAO bloggers are busy looking for puppets to do their own American Fake Spacemonkey videoblog episodes. Well, except for FrankJ, who’s trying to dig up his old Ken and Barbie dolls so he can do a “She Blonded Me With Fake Science” and “Fake Frank Discussion” videoblog.
Anyway, it’s time for Piper the Puppeteer:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Piper is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.

You can find more examples of Friday catblogging by searching a blog search engine such as Technorati for “catblogging.”
You can also find a roundup of catblogging posts at The Friday Ark, located at The Modulator blog.
Then, when the weekend is nearly over, head over to The Carnival of the Cats for more kitty goodness.
There’s also Flickr Groups called Furry Friday and Friday Catblogging.
Anybody I miss?

One last note… Meryl Yourish’s Gracie is going in for surgery this morning.
A moment of your time for a prayer or two would be greatly appreciated.

North Korea: Sorry for the Nuclear Test

Aww… look how sad and sorry they are.
Let’s get them a present!

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) In “Homer’s Night Out”, Bart is impatiently waiting for a spy camera to come in the mail
2) What is the name of the Springfield bowling alley?
3) According to Rev. Lovejoy, what is the 8th Deadly Sin?
4) What is the name of the restaurant where Homer dances with Princess Kashmir?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.