Giant Sociopaths

Eric Flint has his fourth essay out on Digital Right Management, this one on the whittling away of the concept of fair-use – something quite important to someone who does make money off of parodies. Also, it’s certainly interesting to see someone railing against copyright laws who makes his living off them. It’s a great article, and I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t be concerned by the issues it covers.

Incidentally, Jim Baen’s Universe, which is now in it’s third issue, is supplied on many different digital medias with no DRM (I read it on my PDA phone in the Microsoft Ebook Reader, giving me a couple novels worth of reading no matter where I am). If you like science fiction, you need to check it out.

Baens Universe Logo
Help Save Science Fiction at Jim Baen’s Universe!

Hopefully, it will later have a story by me published in it (:: shakes fist ::) and there will finally be an illustration of a cowboy fighting a dragon as people have desired for years. Then, I’ll be one third of the way to being an official science fiction writer guy.

Speaking of writing, I’m excited to get back to writing Hellbender (and I know there’s a vocal minority of you out there who have been waiting for that). The main work for the compilation should be finished this weekend, and then my spare time (i.e., time other than that spent working, sleeping, eating, with the wife, and blogging) will be on working on a full novel. The story will be a bit different than the short story I started on IMAO, but the main characters will be the same.

Anyway, I have to get back to work. Be honorable, ronin.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Sideshow Mel is Krusty’s current sidekick
2) Which Simpsons character laughs at totally inappropriate times?
3) Who has been seen eating Chef Lonelyhearts Soup For One?
4) Who did Krusty once present an Emmy to?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.