$25 Million

The world’s wealthiest Jew is donating $25 million to the Holocaust foundation at Yad Vashem and the New Holocaust History Museum?
Wait… New Holocaust History Museum? Is this some sort of New Holocaust going or, or is it some kind of New History going on?
Anyway, here’s hoping the money goes towards some desperately-needed improvements there. I mean, not only does the rollercoaster ride there use cheap-ass old wooden boxcars instead of cool high-tech cars that go upside down and stuff, but it’s always broken.

Continue reading ‘$25 Million’ »

Yay! A Funny, Positive Ad!

I had pretty much the same reaction when Hillary Clinton was mentioned…

To Win This War, We Need to Make Babies!

At least that’s the message I’ve gotten so far from what I’ve read in Mark Steyn’s new book America Alone. Radical Islam is taking over Europe without firing a shot, and we need to get to our beds and do our duty to make sure that doesn’t happen in America.
HotAir has part one of an interview with Steyn posted here.

The Muslim Quiz

Charles over at Little Green Footballs has some interesting results from a survey given to visitors at the Islamic Society of North America.
Surveys are excellent ways to take the temperature of a community to see just how they feel.
The results tend to blame America. Can you believe that?
Here are some other quiz questions. Feel free to take them and see how YOU compare.
What are these youths doing?
1. Setting a car on fire and watching it burn
2. Witnessing French Automotive Engineering
3. Watching a horrible accident and hoping they can save any trapped Jews.
Where would something like this happen?
1. Anywhere in the Middle East
2. The Headquarters for Air America
3. These are not true, peaceful Muslims.
Tell me what you are seeing?
1. The inside of a mosque
2. A weapons armory
3. Dick Cheney’s house
What is this young man doing?
1. Kicking someone while they squirm in pain.
2. Taking a closer look to give aid.
3. Dancing to lift the fallen man’s spirits
What does this picture represent?
1. Free speech
2. A deliberate insult to Islam
3. How dare you show me this picture, you dog! I’ll kill you!!!!
What are these young people looking at?
1. French Police
2. The New York Yankees
3. President Bush
Whom do you blame for the following picture?
1. Crazed Islamist Extremists
2. Drunken Pilots
3. Jews and the NeoCon conspiracy.
Grading system. Each time you answer 1 it is worth 1 point. Each 2 answer is worth 3 points. Each 3 anwer is worth 5 points.
7-10 points: You are solidly grounded in the real world. Please consider any career in a field offering ample opportunity.
11-22 points: Maybe you should try reading a book and laying off the drugs. You might consider a career stumping for Lyndon Larouche.
22- 35 points: You are a Muslim sympathizer. You might consider a career as a Democratic Politician or a Suidice Bomber.
Well, how did you do?


The New Jersey judiciary has ruled that gay marriage has to be allowed no matter what the citizens of Jersey think, but whether it’s called “marriage” or not is left to the democratic process.
So what should it be called? Tell me your ideas in the comments!
And try and keep it PG…

Fun Trivia

If the Democrats win the House in November, what will be their first order of business?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

An Awesome Music Video for Firefly and Country Music Fans

If you’re going through hell…

A Paid Advertisement from Harold Ford, Jr.

Official statement of support.
Mr. Ford recently was attacked in a political ad.In this ad it was claimed that he received money from porn producers and partied at the Playboy mansion. It’s one thing to take money from porn producers (screwing is good) and to advocate higher taxes (screwing is good), but it’s another thing to say he may have flirted with a white woman.
So i’d like to offer my support to Mr. Ford. a Beige-But-We-Think-He-Might-Be-African-American. We think he might be black because he seems to not like white men. So at this point, we are sure that he’s either black or Lesbian.
You go, Mr. Ford!!

The Frank J. Plan for the War on Terror

Yesterday, I showed you the Democrats’ plan for the War on Terror. While it was quite an interesting plan, I have a better idea. As you know, I’ve read one whole book on Islam, and thus I’m now an expert on the mind of an Islamic terrorist. So I have applied my knowledge to come up with an innovative way to end terrorism.
Q. So, Frank J., what’s your plan for the War on Terror?
A. I’m glad you asked that. My plan is much more subtle and nuanced than most others. First, we nuke Mecca. Next…
Q. WHAT?! Are you…
A. Whoa! Calm down there. I know your concern, but we’ll still have a very sizeable nuclear arsenal even after this expenditure.
Q. That wasn’t my concern! It’s that…
A. Yes, Saudi Arabia probably won’t approve a fly-over for this operation, which is why we’ll use cruise missiles.
Q. Ahhh! The innocent lives! Aren’t you…
A. Innocent lives will be lost any time you use nuclear weapons against a city, so I don’t see how that’s a special concern here.
Q. But… Won’t… GAH!
A. Of course, this is only the first part of the plan. The second part is to build a 500-foot statue of Porky Pig on the ashes of Mecca. Next…
Q. Are you insane! Don’t you even…
A. Yes, it will cost a decent amount in tax money, but the government should allow the statue’s construction to be bid on unless there is a compelling reason to sole source it to Halliburton.
Q. I can’t even put together the words to…
A. Here’s where the plan gets interesting. The Koran says that Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day towards Mecca. The Koran always says that pigs are unclean and that idolatry is evil. Thus, Muslims can either pray to a giant pig idol which goes against the Koran, or they can choose not to pray towards Mecca which also goes against the Koran. Either way, they’ll be going against at least a part of the Koran.
Q. You’re a freak. Just stop talking now and…
A. So, while the radical Muslims are pondering this paradox and realizing they have to disobey at least one part of the Koran, we can come up to them and say, “Hey, since you’re now not following all of the Koran anymore, why don’t you also not obey the ‘kill the infidels’ part. It’s just extra work, anyway.” They’ll nod in agreement, and there will be peace in the Middle East.
Q. You need help.
A. I need everyone’s help. Write the President and your Congressmen to hire me for consultation on their plans for the Middle East. Peace is possible, but only if we use our heads rather than our guns.

Puppies Love Hugs!

I have the sweetest puppy:

She’s getting along better with the cats, too.
If Glenn Reynolds is reading this, I mean “sweet” as in my dog is very loving and affectionate. It was not commentary on how she tastes.

We’re All Crackers Now.

Notice the many colors represented in the crackers.
Notice as well the little star, which can represent other things. Use your imagination.
Also notice how the letters in the IMAO crackers are all bilaterally symmetric, just like humans.

Is Harold Ford Jr. Black?

As I posted before, people are making a fuss about a commercial because it’s implying that Harold Ford Jr., who people say is black, dates white women. This would especially upset Ford’s father (who, according to the fairly-reliable Wikipedia, is also supposed to be black) since he hates crackers.
Some are saying there is a cynical ploy to get people to vote against Ford because of racist fears of blacks stealing all the white women, and the nutroots are freaking out over it (it’s like they only have two speeds: “ignore” and “FREAK OUT!”). There’s a problem with this narrative, though: Do we actually have any proof that Harold Ford Jr. is black?
Now, I have seen him on political talk shows for a long time, but the first I ever heard about him supposedly being black was when he was positioning himself for minority leader and it was mentioned he’d be the first ever “African-American” to hold that position, and I was like, “Do they mean like how Charlize Theron is an ‘African-American’?” I honestly thought the guy was Italian.
I had forgotten about that until this Senate race where suddenly his supposed race is an issue again, and I think now it’s time for someone to call him on it.
“Congressman, I serve with black people. I know black people. Black people are friends of mine. Congressman, you’re no black person.”
Maybe it’s just me, but all the black people I know never had to tell me they were black. Maybe some think they’re white, though, and it never came up, but I doubt it.
You see, race is a superficial thing; you are what you look like. If you look Asian, you’re Asian, even if you have a parent who is white. If you look black, you’re black, even if you have a parent who is Asian (like Tiger Woods). And if you look white, you’re white, no matter what your supposed ancestry is. The whole racial problem is people being judged a certain way because of the color of their skin, so you actually have to have that skin color. If no one can tell you’re black from looking at you, then you aren’t going to be discriminated for being “black”. You can’t just claim blackness; you actually have to look black. Thus, we come to Harold Ford Jr., and he just doesn’t pass the one and only criteria of the black test: being black. Remember that Seinfeld where Elaine had a boyfriend she wasn’t sure if he was black or not? That was a tougher call than Harold Ford. Let’s just go ahead and say it: Rep. Ford is not black.
Is it racist for me to say someone isn’t black? No, that would only be racist if a black person said it (like when certain blacks say conservative blacks aren’t black for holding viewpoints deemed not to be allowed for a race; that’s extremely racist). I’m white, though – actually, I’m so white I’m probably an authority on the subject. Thus, it is quite proper for me to look at another person and observe him also being white. That’s what I’m doing with Harold Ford Jr. He’s white.
Thus let’s end all this nonsense racial controversy… unless someone calls Rep. Ford a honky.

Just Because You’re Twitching, That Doesn’t Give You a Right to Lie and Distort the Facts

I finally saw that Michael J. Fox ad, and it was quite disturbing.
Is Missouri really pronounced that way?
Anyway, if you can’t even mention embryonic stem cell research, then you must not believe in it that much.

Gay Reynolds?

Glenn Reynolds wrote this:

Meanwhile, reader Phil Connors has lots of unpleasant things to say, and also thinks he’s “outing” me:

Is “Helen” an ironic nickname for some guy named Allen?

No, I like football and girls. But somebody could do something with that idea. Take it away, Frank J.!

I’m sorry to disappoint, but I have no evidence that Glenn Reynolds is gay. While it is a well known fact that Glenn Reynolds murders hobos, it has hardly ever been suggested that he has sex with them first (or afterwards). Also, while puppy smoothies are a well known aphrodisiac in the gay community, it’s not as solid an indicator of gayness as seeing a guy drink Fresca.
I’d say there’s at least a 48% chance that Glenn Reynolds isn’t gay, which is good enough to put this rumor to rest.

Democrats in Charge Comic #3

How will those stupid, effete Democrats further destroy America if they are in charge? Read comic and find out!

Comic #2
Comic #1