The Nutroots Are Resorting to Bombing!

I heard the nutroots are trying to use Google-bombing to influence the election, which I think is stupid and gay and perhaps even a bigger waste of time than an internet petition. Still, it’s apparently made national news (there’s a link to the story in the MSNBC ad on my sidebar right now). John Hawkins is trying to counter it with his own set of links for bloggers to post (seen here), but I dunno. I don’t think anyone is going to make a voting decision based on the first hit from a Google search.
What do you think?

The Religion of Perverts?

Allahpundit has been posting some interesting statements from Muslim leaders. This one comes from the senior-most Islamic cleric in Australia complaining about 65 year sentences for rapists:

“If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it – whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?
“The uncovered meat is the problem.”
The sheik then said: “If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred.”

Question: If this freak is sent to prison and raped, would it be his fault for not wearing a hijab?
Speaking of gay sex, here’s a gem AP found from a Muslim imam in the UK:

Arshad Misbahi of the Manchester Central Mosque confirmed his views in a conversation to John Casson, a local psychotherapist.
Casson said: “I asked him if the execution of gay Muslims in Iran and Iraq was an acceptable punishment in Sharia law, or the result of culture, not religion.
“He told me that in a true Islamic state, such punishments were part of Islam: If the person had had a trial, at which four witnesses testified that they had seen the actual homosexual acts.”
“I asked him what would be the British Muslim view? He repeated that in an Islamic state these punishments were justified. They might result in the deaths of thousands but if this deterred millions from having sex, and spreading disease, then it was worthwhile to protect the wider community.”

Question: According to the Koran, you need four male witnesses of the homosexual act to convict a man for it. So, what do you call four guys standing around watching a homosexual act?
I don’t think it’s “straight”.
The Australian sheik has apologized for comparing women to meat. He was just trying “to protect women’s honor”, because you know how much these types of Muslims respect women.

Spasmodic Dysphonia

I had missed reading that Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, had lost his ability to talk.
That is, he lost his ability for conversational speaking, while still able to do public speaking and able to sing (and able to talk normally if no one is around).
Yeah, the brain is weird.
Apparently, Spasmodic Dysphonia has no cure, but Scott Adams seemed to have found a work around for it. It’s a pretty interesting story.
BTW, here’s a pretty funny post of his about the concept of a war for oil. Also, here’s a funny follow up to his recovery.
“Are you even listening to me? I said my boat is way too old!!!”


Scared yet, Mexicans? Yeah, that’s right! George W. Bush signed a bill to build a 700 mile fence along our southern border. So, if you try and get into America, there will be a one in three chance you’ll encounter… A FENCE!
Do you think you can climb a fence? I don’t think you can. Looks like you’ll have to hike miles to get around the fence.
By the time you get in America, you’ll be tired. That’s right; sneaking into America will be quite tiresome now.
So, take that, Mexican! We now have a fence!
…or we soon will… when funding gets approved…

It’s An Even Numbered Season – Time for Middle Eastern Terrorists!

If you haven’t seen the trailer (it’s not a promo; it’s a trailer!) for the upcoming season of 24, you can catch it here. Apparently, this sixth season will conform to what I will now call the “Even Season Rule” for 24.

Screw That Lemonade Stand…

pole kit.jpg
Real Story is right Here.
While I’m at it, this deserves a top 10.
Top 10 Reasons Pole Dancing Might Not Be a Good Idea for Little Girls At Home.
10. Some laws are very strict regarding the pasties and tassles.
9. Bedroom too small to host a bachelor party.
8. Newspaper boy keeps asking about a VIP room
7. Instant Messages from the GOP asking you if you have a brother
6. Big Decision: Should you have a two drink minimum?
5. No matter what, can’t convince yourself to dance to Sexyback.
4. Embarrassing tan lines from the Hello Kitty Pull Ups.
3. Some clients still insist on pulling your braids and calling you names
2. Half your clientele tip you in quarters
And the number One Reason Pole Dancing Might Not Be a Good Idea for Little Girls At Home
1. That awkward moment when the newest customer turns out to be your elementary school prinicipal.

When the Dog Whistle Blows, Who’s Barking?

The nutroots are up in arms about the blatant racism in Bob Corker’s ads.
Or, I guess, they’re up in arms about the subtly implied racism in Bob Corker’s ads that only they are smart enough to spot.
You see, there’s this TV ad which seems like a regular attack ad against a liberal Democrat, but actually contains the hidden message “Harold Ford Jr. is a black man out to steal your white women!”
Then there is this radio ad that sounds like a regular contrasting ad to most people that plays good music when mentioning the Republican Corker but ominous music when mentioning the Democrat Ford, but it’s actually playing “jungle drums” when mentioning Ford implying that he’s a black jungleman (or, if you add the main message to the implied message, it’s implying that Ford is an elitist jungleman).
I know a bit of you are confused because you didn’t see any racism in these ads, and that’s why the racism hidden in these ads are referred to by the nutroots as dog whistles. A dog whistle is at such a high frequency that only a dog can hear it, and these racist messages are so subtle that only racists will pick up on them. Apparently, Tennessee is full of forgetful racists who hate black people but keep forgetting that Ford is black. Thus the Republicans put hidden racist messages in these ads that only the racists will pick up on and remind them that Ford is black so they shouldn’t vote for him (because they hate black people).
Does it work? I dunno. Maybe some of my racist readers could tell me whether their reactions to those ads were, “Oh yeah! Ford is black! I shouldn’t vote for him!”
There’s something odd going on, though. When a dog whistle blows, only dogs hear it and start barking. When someone “blows a racist whistle” only the racists should hear it and start making noise. But, when each of these ads first appeared, the only barking I heard was from the nutroots. Here’s a DailyKos Recommended Diary from right after the TV ad appeared where lots of Kos Kids seem to spot the obvious racism that all the rest of us missed. And here’s a front page story from the DailyKos about the radio ad where they hear the obvious jungle drums that everyone else never heard.
Now, in the comments, a number of KosKids seem confused because they don’t see the racism, and they’re told that’s because they’re not able to hear the dog whistle. Which begs the question: How come everyone else in nutrootsville is tuned into a message only meant for racists?
Should I go ahead and apply Occam’s Razor, or have you already done it yourself?
Obviously, the majority of the nutroots really hate and fear black people. You see an ad about a politician being involved with a Playboy Bunny, and you think “That’s not a moral man!” (or “Wow! Cool!”). The nutroots see the same ad and instantly think, “What!? A black man and a white woman! That’s an outrage!” They then say that’s what Republicans think through a psychological phenomenon known as “projection.” Similarly, while you hear normal ominous music in a negative ad, the nutroots, knowing and fearing that Ford is black, think “jungle drums” since they obviously think all black people are basically spear-chucking primitives in the jungle. Again, they use projection to say that’s actually the view of Republicans since they can’t come to grips with their own horrible racism.
Now you can see how sinister these ads are. They were a calculated effort to stir up racism– but not in Republicans. Racist Republicans were never going to support Ford anyway. Instead, these ads were to trigger the racism in the huge number of racist liberals. And, it’s working. Kos himself is now distancing himself from Rep. Ford. He says it’s because Ford is against the New Jersey ruling about gay marriage, but notice how this distancing from Ford directly follows the airing of these ads that reminded the nutroots that Ford is black. Thus, Kos is waning in support for Harold Ford Jr. because he, like most of the nutroots, hates black people.
Insidious. I condemn the Republicans for these racist, effective ads.

Democrats in Charge #4

What else will those wacky Democrats do if they get in charge? Read comic and find out!

Comic #3
Comic #2
Comic #1

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) What personal possession does Bart feel brings him good luck?
2) What kind of factory is next door to where the Krusty the Clown show is taped?
3) What is the name of the studio where Krusty’s show is taped?
4) Where did Milhouse’s dad work before he was fired?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.