Video Sunday

Superstar was on CNN yesterday along with some idiot from AMERICAblog talking about the left projecting their racism into political ads. I think she did really well. She’s now my second favorite ham after candied ham. Go to for the video.
I might be the last person to link to this, but Blackfive has a music video of Australian country singer Beccy Cole singing a song responding to those critical of her support for the Diggers (Australian soldiers). It’s really good (compare and contrast with the moronically caustic Dixie Chicks), so check it out.
Also, SarahK and I were at a Halloween party last night. Our gracious hosts took a video of us singing the Johnny Cash/June Carter Cash duet “Jackson.” The sound is a bit off from the video, but you can still tell that at least SarahK sang well.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) You get hit in the face with squirting water when you ring Krusty’s doorbell
2) Who does Lisa describe as “The few, the proud, the geeky”?
3) What is the name of Springfield’s video arcade?
4) What is Capital City’s nickname?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.