Democrats in Charge #5

What other indignities will we suffer if the Democrats are in charge? Read comic and find out!

Comic #4
Comic #3
Comic #2
Comic #1


  1. I am amazed at your intolerance of the lefts intolerance of your intolerance. Really we should all be tolerant of others intolerance. We should tolerate terroists intolerance for infidels. I guess with Democrats tolerance is a one way street.

  2. Don’t you know that the left is not intolerant. When you’re perfect and omniscient there is no judgement that is not right and proper.
    I have always wondered about the lefts maintaining the fiction that those on the right are judgmental. It seems to me that all of the judgment calls are coming from the left. We on the right don’t have to judge at all. All we have to do is tell the truth.

  3. This is hastily put together WWW site that gives you lots of information about the Ford family of West TN and their lobbyist head, Harold Ford, Sr. who is attempting to lock up a family member into every legislative position from the Memphis local city and county governments, state government and US Congress. Sometimes the players shift if a member of the family is indicted, another member is slipped into that post, etc. The worst is that family is running out of eligible players in that it now has a high school drop out with an arrest record running for congress as an independent after another family member was turned down in the democrat primary.
    Go see for yourself at:

  4. Frank, if you show a woman in your next drawing and she isn’t completely covered…make sure there is some raping going on because she obviously asked for it per Islamic clerics…

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