Democrats in Charge Comic #1

They say pictures are worth a thousand words, so my drawing must be worth at least somewhere between thirty and forty. That’s good, because that’s about as many words as the average attention span can take these days.
Anyway, I’ve decided to use the power of my drawings to depict to you what America will be like if it’s run by Democrats. Here is the first comic in this series:

Don’t let this scene become a reality! Vote Republican!
A new comic of the horrors of having Democrats in charge comes tomorrow…


  1. Your art work lacks the sublime talent of a Breathed or a Watterson, but your insightful observations of the dhimmicrats makes up for all that, so I forgive you.
    Hire me to be your illustator. I’m a “good draw-er,” as my friends all used to tell me, and when I get paid I draw even better.

  2. I had bomb making in school as an elective course. Okay, maybe it wasn’t an official class or even sanctioned by the district, but my friends and I would share the Anarchy Cookbook.
    We would swap recipies, ingredients (gun powder, primers, fuses, etc.) during school. We lived to far apart to do this kind of stuff after school. And in Alaska in the wintertime you don’t want to walk several miles uphill in the snow (I lived at the bottom of the hill from my friends).
    Did I mention this was in junior high?

  3. PM: Ahh, I see your point. I’ll have to agree with you on B’s artwork. Definitely a step above the norm.
    Both B & W owe a huge debt to Walt Kelly, by the way. I keep meaning to pick up some Pogo reprints but never get around to it.
    And in the interests of full disclosure, one of my fondest late-80’s memories involved a Bill the Cat T-shirt… and sex.

  4. Pogo was awesome, but I was really young when it was in its final days. I remember looking at the pictures in the Sunday funnies before I could read.
    I have to add that FrankJ’s art work is much easier on the eye than “Cathy.” Eeeww!

  5. Frank
    You made a biiiiiggg mistake, my friend, in assuming that, uh, assuming that my attention span was, well, you know, whatever you said about my attention span, or whatever you…
    Never mind.

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