Double Double, International Trouble

Iran doubles it’s Uranium enrichment capacity, so Bush doubles down…

“We must double our effort to work with the international community to persuade the Iranians that there is only isolation from the world if they continue working forward on such a program,” Bush said in a news conference on Friday. “Whether they’ve doubled it [uranium enrichment capacity] or not, the idea of Iran having a nuclear weapon is unacceptable? We’re working with the United Nations to send a common message.”

Wait… wait… I know this one…

What’s two times zero?


  1. If there is any justice in the world, some Islamic fundamentalist should pass out from hunger during their holy days and take out the whole nuclear program.
    That’s what I want for Christmas Santa. A nuclear free Middle East. For Easter I would like the same only in North Korea.
    It’s not much to ask, is it? I’ll be sure to share with the rest of the world, even if they don’t deserve it.

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